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It's something that Pokemon does so successfully. Pokemon games are easy and fun enough for a little kid to enjoy, but they are also complex enough for the hardcore to really get into the stats, moves, etc. This is a very successful gameplay strategy that many more games should adopt to not only be financially successful, but altogether more fun. It's good to see Bethesda has implemented this into Skyrim.

"From what we're seeing I'm thinking on the surface Bethesda is accommodating for newbies and making stuff accessible and easy, but underlying there's a lot of stuff for the more hardcore RPing and immersion wanting community."


That's what I was relating Pokemon to. Skyrim will be accommodating for newbies (or in Pokemon's case, accommodating for kids) but at the same time, there will be a lot of hardcore stats to go into the game for more hardcore players (just like Pokemon). Although this thread's title is certainly about immersion, the author's first comment is definitely not.

There aren't enough words in the dictionary to describe just how incorrect that statement was.Pokemon is hardcore now?Clearly you've never played a hardcore game before.

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I could easily spend those 300hrs in Skyrim, it's just with being in college and working on the weekends it's would be hard to do so and find time. But that's why we have breaks :thumbsup:


It's good that Bethesda is making it for all players basically, being able to play 100hrs (more potential players), but then again if you get Skyrim you might as well take advantage of what it fully has to offer. There's no time limit on when the game should be beat, even casual gamers can play those 300hrs if they wanted to (it would just take longer).

Agreed to that. I already spent a couple months thinking and writing about it. Planning on pulling 2 all-nighters when it comes out. :thumbsup:

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It's something that Pokemon does so successfully. Pokemon games are easy and fun enough for a little kid to enjoy, but they are also complex enough for the hardcore to really get into the stats, moves, etc. This is a very successful gameplay strategy that many more games should adopt to not only be financially successful, but altogether more fun. It's good to see Bethesda has implemented this into Skyrim.

"From what we're seeing I'm thinking on the surface Bethesda is accommodating for newbies and making stuff accessible and easy, but underlying there's a lot of stuff for the more hardcore RPing and immersion wanting community."


That's what I was relating Pokemon to. Skyrim will be accommodating for newbies (or in Pokemon's case, accommodating for kids) but at the same time, there will be a lot of hardcore stats to go into the game for more hardcore players (just like Pokemon). Although this thread's title is certainly about immersion, the author's first comment is definitely not.

There aren't enough words in the dictionary to describe just how incorrect that statement was.Pokemon is hardcore now?Clearly you've never played a hardcore game before.

I believe he was emphasising the point that pokemon has stats and large amounts of numbers if you want to go into detail about it but it also is easy and simple to play. Hardcoreness isn't the main point imo.

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Did you just...bring up Pokemon in a thread about immersion? :laugh: Haha. So not an immersive world, it's not trying to be really...it's a kid's game, fun I agree, but definitely not an immersive world in my opinion...and as far as depth, there is some, but I don't think it's as "deep" as it is just tactical... if that makes sense.


You know there is people who spend more than 50 hours only to get a pokemon with max stats?


I mean, I think there is not a game more immersive than pokemon

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Did you just...bring up Pokemon in a thread about immersion? :laugh: Haha. So not an immersive world, it's not trying to be really...it's a kid's game, fun I agree, but definitely not an immersive world in my opinion...and as far as depth, there is some, but I don't think it's as "deep" as it is just tactical... if that makes sense.


You know there is people who spend more than 50 hours only to get a pokemon with max stats?


I mean, I think there is not a game more immersive than pokemon


Immersion is probably the wrong word, but yeah, there is a reason why it is still as successful as it is

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As long as NPCs don't power walk around town and flash you a ridiculous smile or a hideous scowl before starting an intriguing discussion about the pros and cons of mudcrabs with his or her nearest relative who happens to have exactly the same voice, I think I'll be immersed in the game. Oblivion NPCs are robot apes.
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Did you just...bring up Pokemon in a thread about immersion? :laugh: Haha. So not an immersive world, it's not trying to be really...it's a kid's game, fun I agree, but definitely not an immersive world in my opinion...and as far as depth, there is some, but I don't think it's as "deep" as it is just tactical... if that makes sense.


You know there is people who spend more than 50 hours only to get a pokemon with max stats?


I mean, I think there is not a game more immersive than pokemon

Can't tell if you're pulling my leg here...


Immersion is the wrong word, the word you're looking for is time-consuming.


Immersive: providing information or stimulation for a number of senses, not only sight and sound.


A world that feels real, living, breathing, that takes you into it...that's immersion. Not a 2-D game for kids that's fun and all but doesn't provide any real elements of reality or suspension of disbelief. Pokemon is vapid. Skyrim is immersive.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did you just...bring up Pokemon in a thread about immersion? :laugh: Haha. So not an immersive world, it's not trying to be really...it's a kid's game, fun I agree, but definitely not an immersive world in my opinion...and as far as depth, there is some, but I don't think it's as "deep" as it is just tactical... if that makes sense.


You know there is people who spend more than 50 hours only to get a pokemon with max stats?


I mean, I think there is not a game more immersive than pokemon

Can't tell if you're pulling my leg here...


Immersion is the wrong word, the word you're looking for is time-consuming.


Immersive: providing information or stimulation for a number of senses, not only sight and sound.


A world that feels real, living, breathing, that takes you into it...that's immersion. Not a 2-D game for kids that's fun and all but doesn't provide any real elements of reality or suspension of disbelief. Pokemon is vapid. Skyrim is immersive.

For the second time, I never mentioned that Pokemon is immersive. It is in-depth enough for even adults to get into the stats, moves, etc, but basic enough for a little kid to enjoy. AGAIN, although the title is "Immersion, " I was commenting on this quote:


"...on the surface Bethesda is accommodating for newbies and making stuff accessible and easy, but underlying there's a lot of stuff for the more hardcore RPing and immersion wanting community."


Besides, although Pokemon may not be visually attractive, it may definitely be immersive by your definition: "providing information or stimulation for a number of senses, not only sight and sound."

My point is, any addictive game can be immersive as it "stimulates" your senses and gets you hooked.

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According to the reviews I've read, this will probably be the most immersive game ever made. It may not have the graphics of Cysis 3, but the level of detail given to the world is what's probably going to be the biggest draw for this game. And then there shall be mods to make it even better. Sigh.... 22 more days....
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