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So I have created this Petrify spell, and as it is in DA:O it turns actors in statues that can be shattered provided you deal enough damage.

Everything is fine, but it needs that little extra. Right now, you only receive a message "Shattered!", but it's not the same as in DA:O, where big red letters tell you the awesomeness.


So I am looking for a way to place some letters above my victim, and I came up with placing a mesh above it. Sadly, as many I do not have any meshing skills and I mostly mesh it up (get it? "Mesh it up"). I can only handle the texturing, which is very easy in this case.

What I need is a collision-less mesh which reads "Shattered!" and is about a Mud Crab's height big. The lenght doesn't matter, but if you can size the length down, it is appreciated.


If however, you can create dynamic meshes or whatever they're called, it'd be far cooler. Wouldn't it be perfect if the word turns 360° once while moving up and down a bit and then fly up fast, afterwards I delete it with a script.

If this is possible, it'd be handy if the Group that needs to be played or cycle or whatever is round in number of lenght, like 5 seconds or so. Can you provide a "static" one as well, just in case.


Anyone up for the challenge? :biggrin:

Edited by Faceshifter
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