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Sounds good and thanks for catching anything I might miss... that was 3 hours of typing :P and a big headache afterwards...


BTW... animations that involve MOUNTING the horse or some 3rd person finishers are forced 3rd person. And so I was right about how I worded it.


As for the fire... I cant find it... can you tell me what number it is under? (in yellow)

Edited by Odai
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Sounds good and thanks for catching anything I might miss... that was 3 hours of typing :P and a big headache afterwards...


BTW... animations that involve MOUNTING the horse or some 3rd person finishers are forced 3rd person. And so I was right about how I worded it.


As for the fire... I cant find it... can you tell me what number it is under? (in yellow)


Oh sorry I thought you meant that you couldn't be in third person at any point whilst riding a horse, I just mis interperated what you said and as for the fire I will edit this post once i find it lol, I just wanted to mention that before i forgot lol.



Well i just went through both lists all over again and I can't find the fire part anywhere. If I see it later I will mention it or if someone else sees it they can point it out because for the life of me I can't find it.

Edited by malevolentraven
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Because bethesda only implements small additions to their universe.

Slower bow draw for increased power. Deadly reflex attack styles, but not all the gore. The ability for you to sleep in a bed when you kill someone who owns it.


Bigger things take time to make and modders can have their way with. These ideas are to make the game FEEL better. Little things like making people crawl under the covers, not just lay on top of their bed, and make people change their cloths. These are things that make the game feel more real.


Build your own castle, and buster swords are the realm for modders.


@ Malevolent I found it under number 27. I changed it to confirmed because it appeared to catch the spider on fire in the fight scene.

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~Small Favors~~

*Some Indication as to how much life your torch has left in it

*Alchemical Ingrediant: Water


*The option to collect alchemical ingrediants from certain creatures, without killing them.(Feathers,Saliva,Milk etc.)


*Emblems & Insignias to be able to be added to armor.(The Black Water Brigands Leather Cuirass Had there Insignia On It.)

:Guards & clans can give the out as a sign of membership. wearing it gives you the authoridy and recognition that would otherwise only come from wearing a full guard uniform, or Guild armor.


*Addition to crafting=Dyes,Warpaint.

*An alchemical appliance to lockpicking:Acid corrodes locks?

*An alchemical appliance to destruction:small explosive mixtures.

*An alchemical appliance to illusion: alcohal :D


*alchemical ingredient trees.(Hit the base and the fruits drop)

*Blood spurt trails from injured. (So you can track prey which escaped you)

Edited by TroloWiseEared
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*Include the sound effect during finisher animations that recocgnises that your killing an enemy in heavy armor.

(During a gut stabing animation, let us hear the sound of our sword piercing their metal armor rather than making it sound like were just going through flesh.)

*Restoration magic cast should increase the target npc's disposition towards us.(Also a Calm effect during combat) <dedz to odai for this one>

*Improvised Weaponry/Town bells/Guard horn (being discussed)

*Npc fear of specific creatures(Windhelm guards may have a fear of Frostbite Spiders, and be less willing to attack one. Bandits might not want to take on a dragon)

*Have bees and Butterflys actually have an effect on alchemical ingredients when they visit them.(Polinate)

*Wild Animal feces (as an indication a specific animal has been this way for tracking)<if you have a cleaner idea let me know :)>

*trace of death cause

-someone mauled by a bear will have the item:Bear claw/fur on their inventory

(like how vampires had vamp ash in their inv. upon death)

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@ Malevolent I found it under number 27. I changed it to confirmed because it appeared to catch the spider on fire in the fight scene.


Ah good i was driving myself mad looking for it last night :wallbash:


Small Favors:


*Animations for hands while idle when you have spells equipped (example bioshock 2: fire plasma you snapped fingers and made sparks, things like that)

*Not sure if this is in or not all ready but i will suggest just in case. When being attacked by groups of enemies, if you kill the leader of the group the rest become unorganized, frightened, frenzy, or flat out run away.

*Ability to get up in trees (i know there is no climbing mechanic but i think if we can jump to a branch from a hill side or ruin we should be able to take pot shots from the trees)

*Ability to smoke tobacco from a pipe.

*Non summoned animal companions, and a way to call them, such as a whistle. (Not sure if animal companions were confirmed or not, mentioned it just to be safe though)

*Levitation, and I don't mean full on Morrowind Lev i just mean like hovering a foot of the ground.

*Serpents, and summon-able serpents to inflict poison damage. (Snakes though not like sea monsters :tongue: )

*Summon-able enchanted weapons (or just the spectral looking stuff with different effects so that you don't get all the weapon type summons and then, that's it, nothing new)

*If not all ready in the game, dragon skeletons stay on the ground instead of dissapearing. (we can see after you absorb the dragons soul all that is left is the skeleton.) Also seeing as this could create a lot of problems for people with hundreds of hours and scores of dragon kills, so maybe just the skeletons of main story dragons such as Alduin.

Edited by malevolentraven
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