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Mod Planning - Skyrim Expanded


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Hello. I feel poorly equipped to propose this idea, but I'm going to throw it out there anyway.




With Skyrim being released exactly one month from now, I thought I'd throw out an idea: "What if Skyrim were to open its borders?" This was something I wished for in Oblivion in that I wanted to travel to Morrowind with my Oblivion character, but such a thing was impossible and I feel that, had I started work on it myself, it would take me a really really long time to finish. So I figured this. How about I recruit some individuals to help me and begin compiling data on Morrowind and Oblivion in order to accurately add the regions of Morrowind, Cyrodiil, and any other regions of the world that can be adequately mapped?


Now I can already tell what you're thinking "Adding a few odds and ends and a few other miscellaneous places in the game is one thing, but entire regions!? You're crazy!" Well... maybe I am. And maybe I won't get far with the idea. And maybe I'll get discouraged and quit. But what I hope to accomplish is at least to as much as I can before I might get discouraged. For once, I want to be able to explore lands familiar to me and not just be thrown into lands completely foreign.


Now the main idea is that Skyrim is set some 200 years after the events of Oblivion and even further after the events of Morrowind, not to mention Daggerfall and Arena. I want the new areas to reflect the time that has passed in as canonical of a fashion as can possibly be mustered. Pretty much means that, whatever the main character was told to do through quests is considered already done and have the world evolve with the effects of those changes. A new imperial dynasty for Cyrodiil, stronger relations with the native dunmer of Morrowind, etc. Also because of the passing of time and what the main characters could have done, it's clear that these new regions would be virtually brand new to explore even though the landscapes and the cities would be all too familiar. People grow old and die, but they also give birth to a new generation to populate. The needs of the people also change, and thus gives way to new conflicts that must be solved. Many items are found and lost again, causing old items to be found again in different places while new items may find their way into the darkest caverns or deepest oceans.


The first thing I want to do is to recreate both Morrowind and Cyrodiil from the ground up. Getting the environments and the cities established is first priority. From there, the world can be brought to life. But even before (and during) that process, history must be written. What happened after the events of the past games? What is the most likely progression of events and how did it all culminate and evolve into the world as it exists in Skyrim? I won't pretend to know much of the lore of the TES series, but I do intend to do my research as best as possible before trying to write it. Quality is key.


Before I actually ask for volunteers, I would just like to see some kind of interest for this fanmade project. Please note that I was originally going to put this on the official boards before I remembered that there's actually a MOD community that would give more useful critiques of the idea than anyone on the official boards, so please disregard anything that may sound like I'm talking down or being condescending in any way.




tl:dr : This is planning for a mod to add the regions of Cyrodiil, Morrowind, Daggerfall, and any other region in the world into the game. It is not a copy/paste project. None of the same NPCs will be used with only minimal exception. This will likely be used as a foundation for a wealth of content to be contributed by the community in the shape of NPCs, quests, gear, etc. that would pay homage to Skyrim's predecessors.

Edited by Hakuro de Killer
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you sound as if you never seen the tamrial rebuilt mod,.. or MorrowOblivion... or the many other mods that work to this effect on the previous games...


just so you know tho... it's a hefty job... even those huge teams didn't finish really... close, but not really..


EDIT: Arn't there a ton of topics along these lines already?

Edited by El`derina
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i'd happily help :) i have a lot of fre time every now and then and i wouldn't mind putting it to some good use :) so if this is actually happening, definatelly count me in. If i don't reply to any messages, private message me :)
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  • 2 months later...

Everyone, we have already discussed a lot of the things you are talking about at our thread here : http://www.thenexusf...d/page__st__110

We hope you will come join us at our forum, we are preparing to create a proof of concept mod that will include Bruma and Cloud Ruler Temple.

I've decided to take the initiative and message all the other threads so you know the project is getting started. Our forum is here: http://travel-to-cyr...ion.co.uk/forum

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