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Very first thing you're gonna do?


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What is the very first thing you are going to do in Skyrim? And i don't mean "putting in the disc" or "press play" or "create my character." I mean like as soon as you finish the tutorial dungeon and are on your own in the land of Skyrim, what is the first thing you are going to do? In Oblivion, the first thing I did was swim a little bit in that lake right infront of the sewers. In Skyrim i'm thinking about climbing the tallest mountain/thing i first see in my field of vision. Then i'll jump off when i get to the top. What are your plans?


I'm going to find a cute elf companion. :rolleyes:

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I'm going to start a fist-fight in the nearest town :D



After reading in the manual that you'll be able to get information from NPC's by simply kicking their ass, I just feel I have to ace this skill :devil:

Edited by Mr. Bravo
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Im gonna follow the mainquest for a bit. I assume the MQ will introduce me to some mechanics and get me at a higher level faster. It will also probably unlock more options of side quests and dragons, which will be locked for a bit.


After a few MQs i will venture forth and do whatever da heck i want.

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