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Getting permission from a banned user?


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Hey all, im a pretty avid legion player and kinda feel held back especially early game by the lack of legion in the Mojave as well the overwhelming amounts of NCR typically everyone will hate you if you aren't buddies with them.

I've made a few mods, BoS overhaul but mainly player homes etc, but i want to make a legion fort to expand their presence in the northern region of the map however I also wanted to include a companion and since I dont have the foggiest on how to create a companion, I wanted to use a legion companion made by somebody else. However they're banned, is there any possible way of obtaining permission to use his file?

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Were it me, I'd look over his scripts to see how he did things, then write my own.


That way, I would not only learn how to do it, but have scripts customized specifically for my mod, which in the end would work MUCH better than dropping someone else's in and hoping for the best.


Much more time-consuming and frustrating, yes, but the quality of the end product, as well as the ability to properly support it in the event that someone found a bug, make it worthwhile.

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As above, you can really just manually copy (NOT copy and paste) anothers work and its considered legit. Its an a**hole way to do it, but if you cant reach em you cant reach em. Do leave a comment on their mod page, try to find an email or something on their profile, and maybe ask an admin for further suggestions first, or even during your work but before you upload it. That way it can not be said that you did not expend all effort to get permission.


Also It would be courtious(sp) to put them in the credits as well.

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Creating a companion is an elaborate process. It's not as simple as coming up with a simple script.


Bear in mind that unless you're using a template it's going to be a time consuming process (trust me I tried my hand at this game back when I was playing F3 and it's real work).


You should try NCCS - NosCo Companion System



I've never used it myself but it looks like it may do the trick.

Edited by Shantih
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