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Total Conversion


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I've been playing Nehrim a lot lately, which is possibly the best mod I've ever seen. It also got me thinking of doing something like it, and then I thought about Fallout: New Vegas, and realised this has never been done for it before. Nobody has ever made a total conversion mod on F:NV, and while I am not planning on a modern setting, the game has a number of features I'd like to use. At this moment I have nobody but myself, but I know what I need to get this ball rolling. Any responsibility not mentioned for the other three I can handle myself. I'll keep a roster at the bottom of this post. I only need three more people. One concept artist, one 3D Modeler/Animator, and one Programmer. If anybody wants to join, speak to me and hopefully I can get your name on the roster.


1. Myself


2. (Open-Concept Artist)


3. (Open-3D Modeler/Animator)


4. (Open-Programmer)


5. TehBuddha




I should probably talk a bit about the setting.


The game is a high fantasy set in the world of Eo. (Yes, I've talked about this before, but that was killed when Oblivion didn't have a lot of the features I need, but F:NV does.) It starts in one of ten locations, depending on the species you pick. (There are only five species, but each has two versions at different ages.) There are a number of ways you can bring the plot to a conclusion, as well, but that's entirely player choice and is not determined by species. The planet has undergone the collapse of an advanced civilization almost one thousand years before, and its technological levels vary wildly because of it. To complicate the matter, it is also being populated by an alien civilization that is hell-bent on controlling the planet, despite not having a military.


You are in the Wirbelsturm islands, five small islands surrounding the island of Wirbelsturm itself, at the easternmost end of a planet-spanning chain of volcanos. All the island volcanos are dormant except the easternmost one, which is still rather small. The main island has three major landmarks, a chain of mountains covering the northern half of the islands, a plateau on the western edge curving south and to the east, forming a peninsula, and the lowlands making up the majority of the island. There are five distinct nations.


1. Schneesturm, consisting of the mountains and the northern island. They were here first, nobody respects that. They picked their lands for defensive purposes. Their environment creates plenty of natural choke points with high ground for defenders, and they've fortified the hell out of it. Nobody is dumb enough to invade them. Infiltrators are another matter, civil unease is yet another, and they've got plenty of both right now. In the center of their land lies Schneesturm Pass, which is actually four interconnected valleys.


2. Sandsturm, on the plateau and the island between the peninsula and the main island. They are the extension of a larger nation, but they've been cut off for so long they might as well be native. Their civilization has pretty much collapsed due to civil war, and what's left is bandits and a few small city-states.


3. Regensturm, on the seaboard and southeastern island. Nothing there but a few hamlets, a village and some camps, claiming collective sovereignty to protect themselves.


4. Feuersturm, on the eastern and southwestern islands. A foreign nation ruled by an order diety. Four years ago it emerged on the southwestern island, two years ago it conquered the eastern island and adopted the conquered nation's name. It's obvious that they intend to strike Regenstum next, but nobody knows when and nobody is willing to do anything about it.


5. Wilbersturm, the central government on the highlands in the island's core. They govern with impunity, pass laws to keep the peace, and none dare cross them... or so the propaganda says. In reality, they're a joke. Most of their laws are either blatantly self-serving or would be detrimental overall, and nobody enforces them. They only serve one real purpose, to block the only route that Schneesturm, Sandsturm and Regensturm have to reach one another. This way they deter invasion and can at least pretend to regulate trade, and like most governments they're good at pretending.

Edited by avianmosquito
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I've been playing Nehrim a lot lately, which is possibly the best mod I've ever seen. It also got me thinking of doing something like it, and then I thought about Fallout: New Vegas, and realised this has never been done for it before. Nobody has ever made a total conversion mod on F:NV, and while I am not planning on a modern setting, the game has a number of features I'd like to use. At this moment I have nobody but myself, but I know what I need to get this ball rolling. Any responsibility not mentioned for the other three I can handle myself. I'll keep a roster at the bottom of this post. I only need three more people. One concept artist, one 3D Modeler/Animator, and one Programmer. If anybody wants to join, speak to me and hopefully I can get your name on the roster.


1. Myself


2. (Open-Concept Artist)


3. (Open-3D Modeler/Animator)


4. (Open-Programmer)




I should probably talk a bit about the setting.


The game is a high fantasy set in the world of Eo. (Yes, I've talked about this before, but that was killed when Oblivion didn't have a lot of the features I need, but F:NV does.) It starts in one of ten locations, depending on the species you pick. (There are only five species, but each has two versions at different ages.) There are a number of ways you can bring the plot to a conclusion, as well, but that's entirely player choice and is not determined by species. The planet has undergone the collapse of an advanced civilization almost one thousand years before, and its technological levels vary wildly because of it. To complicate the matter, it is also being populated by an alien civilization that is hell-bent on controlling the planet, despite not having a military.


You are in the Wirbelsturm islands, five small islands surrounding the island of Wirbelsturm itself, at the easternmost end of a planet-spanning chain of volcanos. All the island volcanos are dormant except the easternmost one, which is still rather small. The main island has three major landmarks, a chain of mountains covering the northern half of the islands, a plateau on the western edge curving south and to the east, forming a peninsula, and the lowlands making up the majority of the island. There are five distinct nations.


1. Schneesturm, consisting of the mountains and the northern island. They were here first, nobody respects that. They picked their lands for defensive purposes. Their environment creates plenty of natural choke points with high ground for defenders, and they've fortified the hell out of it. Nobody is dumb enough to invade them. Infiltrators are another matter, civil unease is yet another, and they've got plenty of both right now. In the center of their land lies Schneesturm Pass, which is actually four interconnected valleys.


2. Sandsturm, on the plateau and the island between the peninsula and the main island. They are the extension of a larger nation, but they've been cut off for so long they might as well be native. Their civilization has pretty much collapsed due to civil war, and what's left is bandits and a few small city-states.


3. Regensturm, on the seaboard and southeastern island. Nothing there but a few hamlets, a village and some camps, claiming collective sovereignty to protect themselves.


4. Feuersturm, on the eastern and southwestern islands. A foreign nation ruled by an order diety. Four years ago it emerged on the southwestern island, two years ago it conquered the eastern island and adopted the conquered nation's name. It's obvious that they intend to strike Regenstum next, but nobody knows when and nobody is willing to do anything about it.


5. Wilbersturm, the central government on the highlands in the island's core. They govern with impunity, pass laws to keep the peace, and none dare cross them... or so the propaganda says. In reality, they're a joke. Most of their laws are either blatantly self-serving or would be detrimental overall, and nobody enforces them. They only serve one real purpose, to block the only route that Schneesturm, Sandsturm and Regensturm have to reach one another. This way they deter invasion and can at least pretend to regulate trade, and like most governments they're good at pretending.


Ok, I'd like to help, but I am not an artist (although I will admit I do draw/paint and such, and I used to do it a lot) and I do not have anything to transfer images I create over the internet. I am not a 3D modeler of any sort, I just mess around with pre-created models and I don't texture. I don't program at all. However, what I can do with F:NV is use the geck and NIFSkope really well. And honestly I have done total conversions with my games (including oblivion) I just never released the mods on account that they had many things that were made by other authors who I never had consent from. I'd like to help, but the best I can do is geck and NIF editing. One last thing btw, what do you mean Eo? There are several games with those initials. Another thing, if it's a game of medieval style gameplay, it's impossible with NV on account that a lot of the game isn't capable. For instance shields, horses, etc. If you don't need my skills of geck or NIFSkope, just ask me for advice on things from time to time, I am happy to help in the ways I can. And honestly atm I am a bad choice for a dependent resource. I just turned 19 and will soon be going to the military and many other things. Sorry, but it's the best I can do.

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Ok, I'd like to help, but I am not an artist (although I will admit I do draw/paint and such, and I used to do it a lot) and I do not have anything to transfer images I create over the internet. I am not a 3D modeler of any sort, I just mess around with pre-created models and I don't texture. I don't program at all. However, what I can do with F:NV is use the geck and NIFSkope really well. And honestly I have done total conversions with my games (including oblivion) I just never released the mods on account that they had many things that were made by other authors who I never had consent from. I'd like to help, but the best I can do is geck and NIF editing...


...If you don't need my skills of geck or NIFSkope, just ask me for advice on things from time to time, I am happy to help in the ways I can. And honestly atm I am a bad choice for a dependent resource. I just turned 19 and will soon be going to the military and many other things. Sorry, but it's the best I can do.


Even if you're just a consultant, it's better than nothing. Still, I wish there was more.


One last thing btw, what do you mean Eo? There are several games with those initials.


They aren't initials. Eo is the name of the world it takes place in, nothing more.


Another thing, if it's a game of medieval style gameplay, it's impossible with NV on account that a lot of the game isn't capable. For instance shields, horses, etc.


I haven't been completely honest. (Bad form, I know.) I intend to push the game to Skyrim if possible, F:NV is only a backup plan.


If the concept won't work in Skyrim and I have to fall back on F:NV, then shields will need to be worked as part of a weapon or cut entirely, mounts will be cut from the game, magic will have to follow a very round-about system that I know will work but will be painful to implement, and so on. And it could very well turn out that way. There are a number of potential issues that might arise with Skyrim. For instance, we don't know if Skyrim has an equivalent to DT, an absolute neccesity for this game design. We also don't know if Skyrim's modding kit will be as user-friendly, if there will be custom effects, talking creatures/activators, custom animations, or any of a number of other features that F:NV has. I'm not sure the kit will allow creation of a new master file, which would push us back to F:NV and leave many concepts either reduced or cut out entirely.


That said, if the game will work in Skyrim, it will come out much better. Especially since Skyrim's usage of dragons means flying enemies can be placed in game. (Something both Oblivion and F:NV lack.) The presence of horses means that Eo's various mounts will function, (none of which are actually horses, though) and the combination of the two would be interesting if it's even possible. The presence of custom effects means a number of things I saw done in Morrowind could be brought back. (There was this one flight mod...)


I've been running this over in my head, following both scenarios, for a week. I need to speak at length about it with a more experienced modder, and that's important. You've done more of this than I have. You also know I'm a bit of a dreamer, and I tend to get grand ideas and never follow through because nobody holds me to them. That's why I want to talk to you about this, get this idea properly formed, and why I need a team to help me out, especially since I won't give up when others are involved. That's most of the reason I posted, to be honest, the rest is just trying to kill two birds with one stone.

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Well if it is a medieval setting, and Skyrim just wont fit your needs... I suggest you use Oblivion or Morrowind instead of NV, swords and shields are already in the game as well as horses (through mods for Morrowind) making such things in Fallout NV would be pretty hard and unless you get someone super talented impossible.


Also if you are actively seeking out modders for your NV total conversion it would be best to make a point and say its not for NV but for Skyrim so you dont offend your team and lead them on in the wrong direction, that would be a fast track to a very bad rep and leave you with little hope to find anyone willing to help later on.

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Well if it is a medieval setting, and Skyrim just wont fit your needs... I suggest you use Oblivion or Morrowind instead of NV, swords and shields are already in the game as well as horses (through mods for Morrowind) making such things in Fallout NV would be pretty hard and unless you get someone super talented impossible.


Also if you are actively seeking out modders for your NV total conversion it would be best to make a point and say its not for NV but for Skyrim so you dont offend your team and lead them on in the wrong direction, that would be a fast track to a very bad rep and leave you with little hope to find anyone willing to help later on.


There are a few things in Fallout that I need. Limb damage and DT, to be specific. Skyrim is supposed to have both as well, but if it doesn't and it can't be recreated, then I may have to fall back on F:NV.


And it's not actually medieval, considering the locals have guns. (Muzzle-loading, black powder and generally smoothbore.) The tech level varies being equal to 12th century Europe to that of 19th century North America. The guns are MASSIVE, but only hold one shot, take 20-30 seconds to reload and most cannot reliably hit a man-sized target at ten metres. The aliens weapons are modern, but the rounds are too small for most of the targets found on Eo. (It's like bearhunting with a pellet gun. Bad idea.)

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And it's not actually medieval, considering the locals have guns. (Muzzle-loading, black powder and generally smoothbore.) The tech level varies being equal to 12th century Europe to that of 19th century North America. The guns are MASSIVE, but only hold one shot, take 20-30 seconds to reload and most cannot reliably hit a man-sized target at ten metres. The aliens weapons are modern, but the rounds are too small for most of the targets found on Eo. (It's like bearhunting with a pellet gun. Bad idea.)

Yet NV has machine guns and laser pistols...


I'm not trying to dissuade you from making this mod, I just think that maybe you should bend Nehrim a little bit to fit better with Fallout.

Edited by billyro
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And it's not actually medieval, considering the locals have guns. (Muzzle-loading, black powder and generally smoothbore.) The tech level varies being equal to 12th century Europe to that of 19th century North America. The guns are MASSIVE, but only hold one shot, take 20-30 seconds to reload and most cannot reliably hit a man-sized target at ten metres. The aliens weapons are modern, but the rounds are too small for most of the targets found on Eo. (It's like bearhunting with a pellet gun. Bad idea.)

Yet NV has machine guns and laser pistols...


I'm not trying to dissuade you from making this mod, I just think that maybe you should bend Nehrim a little bit to fit better with Fallout.


You clearly know little about Oblivion modding. Oblivion doesn't allow you to create new weapon types without replacing one aleady present. Fallout does. Morrowind did. Skyrim is supposed to. Making this game in Oblivion is impossible. It should be possible in Skyrim, and It is possible in Fallout or Morrowind. I chose Skyrim because it should work the best. I chose F:NV as my backup plan because it's the best that I know will work.


Also, again, the aliens use modern weapons. Those animations are already in New Vegas, so why not use them?

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