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Moon Glitch? can anyone help


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hey does anyone know what file gives textures to the moon? in this pic its all black looks like a hole in the sky lol, last things i installed when i notice this happening is some water effects weather spells all these


1: AliveWaters-6914


2: DrInK_WaTeR-7154


3: Phinix_Waterfix-6680


4: Waterfall_Cave-7675


I attempted Natural_Environments-2536.zip but dont think i kept it, i make backup of the whole structure dir, and after uninstalling the Natural_Environments i still see the moon as a black hole in the sky all black no textures so if i can find what file i need to replace i could find my old installation and just overwrite?

but i just dont know what file gives textures to the moon,

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hey does anyone know what file gives textures to the moon? in this pic its all black looks like a hole in the sky lol, last things i installed when i notice this happening is some water effects weather spells all these


1: AliveWaters-6914


2: DrInK_WaTeR-7154


3: Phinix_Waterfix-6680


4: Waterfall_Cave-7675


I attempted Natural_Environments-2536.zip but dont think i kept it, i make backup of the whole structure dir, and after uninstalling the Natural_Environments i still see the moon as a black hole in the sky all black no textures so if i can find what file i need to replace i could find my old installation and just overwrite?

but i just dont know what file gives textures to the moon,

Any time you replace a texture or a mesh, play the game, save it, and then remove that replacement, the game will still be trying to find that replacement even if no .esp is being used. The only way to fix it is to either use an earlier save, or add a replacement back into where the game is trying to look. Essentially, once a replacement is being used, it will ignore what is in the BSA and try to use whatever is in your data folder. You don't need to use the same mod, you just need a texture of the correct name, in the correct spot. Extracting that texture from the .BSA will work just as well as any mod.

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oh my god so if you save it even with the new mods installed of course it would mess up the rest of the save data damn i should of thought of that before , i might of saved it during an installation of natural environment with its own weather mods sky etc..

I cant remember if i saved it or not but it makes sense cause i copied over my old Dir structure backup without the mods, but cause i must of saved it then if it still looks like a black hole instead of the moon.


is there anyway to fix this? i mean the sun appears correctly and the moon even during bright sky, but when it turns dark sky night sky it looks like that pic. so i need a texture of the correct name in the correct spot? what texture would that be if i installed Natural_Environments mod, which was pretty big and replaces much how would i fix it when I don't know what I'm looking for?


How do you extract a BSA to fix the problem? and which bsa is it i only know of the ones in omod archive invalidation i get like 18 collisions

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Hey look at these pics, does anyone know what I need to do to fix the moon at night?
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prt 2
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i don't think its a missing a texture is the problem, if it was then the moon should be a bright purple instead of pitch black, if you have a program like photoshop you can go in and look at the texture for the moon, also are these the only unoffical mods that you have if not send in the whole list and i'll (if i find this page again or someone else doesn't check them first) go and check the moon textures for the mods
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oh and to answer your bsa problem you can use the bsa browers tool from oblivion mod manger, form my experices its the best bsa unpacker i've seen. but if you have any texture replacing mods (for example a better umbra) you'll have to put all the textures form those mods back when your done, when ur doing that be carefull not to put the black moon texture back in.
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hey I do use omod manager, but iv no experience in using bsa's or anything in it except for loading mods order, and adding archive or folder to install or un-install, how do you use bsa to extract and check textures without photoshop cause i dont have that, anyway the odd thing is when time goes by in game parts of the night i can see the moon and part of it is shady black as if an eclipse, has anyone seen the moon like that in my pic before? maybe its part of the game im not sure iv not played the original without modding it. also I agree with you if it was a missing texture wouldn't it fix the problem if i installed Natural_Environments cause doesnt that come with its own sky's? then again saving the game with messed up files overwrites the good files in Natural_Environments? ahh this is confusing lol

I guess its not such a big problem if its only a few hours at night in the game since i do see the moon at night eventually just cant tell why it looks like that some glitch huh lol



edit- checked the time at night wow weird, i waited 24 hours from 9pm and now the moon is huge but looks normal with a lil black shade hmm i'll post a pic of it sec

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here it is next day at night, what gives :ohmy: also same time at night previously it lasted between 9pm-2-3am ish the black moon, now next day its alright << is so confused lol



edit- well thanks for all the info , though I'm not sure if its messed up now maybe its an eclipse or something weird tho

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