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Load order help - CTD at Startup


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Hi people. I am getting crashes to desktop at startup with the following list of mods installed (properly, I presume):

I hope someone can help, I would deeply appreciate it.


Active Mod Files:


00  FalloutNV.esm [CRC: 26D5B980]
01  DeadMoney.esm [CRC: D70F165B]
02  HonestHearts.esm [CRC: 2352B189]
03  OldWorldBlues.esm [CRC: 7F8F8225]
04  LonesomeRoad.esm [CRC: 30073D50]
05  GunRunnersArsenal.esm [CRC: 0AAC938D]
06  ClassicPack.esm [CRC: 41F95714]
07  MercenaryPack.esm [CRC: D377B2B9]
08  TribalPack.esm [CRC: 0DE09873]
09  CaravanPack.esm [CRC: 228740D1]
0A  Project Nevada - Core.esm [CRC: BD5B18CC]
0B  IWS-Core.esm  [Version 1.9] [CRC: 3EA0B638]
0C  CFWNV.esm [CRC: A1C015BA]
0D  AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm [CRC: 7AF7BE2D]
0E  NSkies URWLified.esm [CRC: 47F8410D]
0F  Project Nevada - Equipment.esm [CRC: 504C6F02]
10  FOOK - New Vegas.esm [CRC: 399F66D6]
11  FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esm [CRC: BA83E578]
12  FOOK - New Vegas.esp [CRC: 390CC52C]
13  FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esp [CRC: C68936A0]
14  DarNifiedUINV.esp [CRC: E46691F1]
15  The Mod Configuration Menu.esp  [Version 1.2] [CRC: CADD67E1]
16  Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp [CRC: 0B42D351]
17  Project Nevada - Dead Money.esp [CRC: 507ADFFB]
18  Project Nevada - Honest Hearts.esp [CRC: E6D45D29]
19  Project Nevada - Old World Blues.esp [CRC: D37F2FF3]
1A  NewVegasBounties.esp [CRC: A5BD47FE]
1B  NewVegasBountiesII.esp [CRC: C41E42E0]
1C  IWS-Core-Patrols.esp  [Version 1.9] [CRC: 130095C3]
++  IWS-Core-Guards.esp  [Version 1.9] [CRC: 4ED8332C]
++  IWS-Core-Civilians.esp  [Version 1.9] [CRC: F181B6D1]
++  IWS-DM.esp [CRC: E413D073]
++  IWS-HH.esp [CRC: 645860E0]
++  IWS-OWB.esp [CRC: F3F0AE13]
++  IWS-LR.esp [CRC: 979FB6F5]
1D  SignatureArmor.esp [CRC: 9BC938DA]
1E  SignatureWeapons.esp [CRC: 7B0F523E]
1F  AG Supplementary Uniques.esp [CRC: 16C2BE17]
20  AG Supplementary Uniques-Dead Money.esp [CRC: 55A34132]
21  AG Supplementary Uniques-Honest Hearts.esp [CRC: A10EF0D3]
22  Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp [CRC: A1D75EE9]
23  WeaponModsExpanded.esp [CRC: 0F3D2DCF]
24  WMX-AWOP Patch.esp [CRC: 53DF8AFF]
25  WMX-FOOKNV CP.esp [CRC: C9C3A697]
26  Project Nevada - WMX.esp [CRC: C0DA6CFD]
27  WMX-ModernWeapons.esp [CRC: 0FE57222]
28  WMX-DeadMoney.esp [CRC: 9B8CE33F]
29  WMX-HonestHearts.esp [CRC: 125366D4]
2A  WMX-OldWorldBlues.esp [CRC: C3038B3F]
2B  WMX-LonesomeRoad.esp [CRC: A1E4AF86]
2C  WMX-PreOrderPackCaravan.esp [CRC: E2908E7C]
2D  WMX-PreOrderPackMercenary.esp [CRC: 6593CF55]
2E  AG Supplementary Uniques-Old World Blues.esp [CRC: B588F0F5]
2F  NSkies URWLifiedOWB.esp [CRC: 8C95A5D6]
30  NSkies URWLifiedHH.esp [CRC: 425271A8]
++  NSkies URWLifiedDM.esp [CRC: 7336897E]
31  Bashed Patch, 0.esp [CRC: E87B24D2]
32  MergedPatch.esp [CRC: A8C8EBC3]



I really want to play these mods and believe me, I've tried the best I can to get it to work.

Successively disabling/reapplying each and every mod and making the bashed patch/merged patch has not worked or helped.

I can not for the life of me figure out what causes the crashes.


The game is purchased through steam if that plays into it.

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use a bashed patch or a merged patch


not both

Okay. I used Bashed patch before using both before, however. Did not work.


In Wrye Flash are all your mods have green check on it?


Usually a crash in startup are cause by missing master or a corrupted mod

Yes. They do.

There is no missing master, or atleast wrye does in no way indicate it (I've checked each mod individually just to be sure).


No comments on the loadorder/modlist itself?

It has to be one of them!

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are you using NVSE






Wrye Flash

Legal Copy of FO:NV




Not sure if it would help you, but I found a "patched" version of the game that seems to eliminate most of the problems people are having with FONV. Problem is you can't talk about it on this site. I think if you google for it you might be able to find it though. Not sure what the big differences are, but they are very noticeable.

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Im using bashed patch on top if merged patch for a long time and never had a problem. Although you still need to check everything in FNVEdit.





I don't see anything wrong in your load order. Admittedly I'm not familiar with some of them. I guess your familiar with FNVEdit? try to load all your mods then check one by one for errors. Also have you edited any DLC? Because that's also 1 reason I can think of.


Here is my load order for comparison:


Active Mod Files:


00  FalloutNV.esm [CRC: 26D5B980]
01  DeadMoney.esm [CRC: D70F165B]
02  HonestHearts.esm [CRC: 2352B189]
03  OldWorldBlues.esm [CRC: 7F8F8225]
04  LonesomeRoad.esm [CRC: 30073D50]
05  Compiled Patch.esm [CRC: 8AACCF66]
06  Frequency.esm [CRC: 4124E414]
07  OFT_Merge_All.esm [CRC: 5381556E]
08  CaravanPack.esm [CRC: 228740D1]
09  Primary Needs HUD.esm [CRC: D5F10B4D]
0A  aHUD.esm [CRC: 00D2CDA3]
0B  iHUD.esm [CRC: 46F2F170]
0C  Lings.esm [CRC: 5080F056]
0D  Selected NPCs Revamped NV.esm [CRC: F5D47E0A]
0E  IWS-Core.esm  [Version 1.9] [CRC: 479C696D]
0F  DFB - Random Encounters.esm [CRC: A338C55E]
10  Tales from the Burning Sands.esm  [Version 1.22b] [CRC: A523828D]
11  Sortomatic.esm [CRC: 74556D13]
12  AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm [CRC: 1A04EAB1]
13  D.E.I.M.O.S..esm  [Version 1.05] [CRC: 27C33993]
14  EZ_CompanionNVSE.esm  [Version 6.0] [CRC: 6AE6A1DE]
15  More Perks.esm [CRC: 28CE3B92]
16  More Perks for Companions.esm  [Version 1.0.0] [CRC: D88B1E14]
17  More Perks for Dead Money.esm  [Version 1.0.0] [CRC: F39CA476]
18  More Perks for Honest Hearts.esm  [Version 1.0.0] [CRC: 54918D7C]
19  More Perks for Old World Blues.esm [CRC: B980D0D2]
1A  SCAV.esm [CRC: 63BAD440]
1B  Project Nevada - Core.esm [CRC: BD5B18CC]
1C  Project Nevada - Equipment.esm [CRC: 504C6F02]
1D  NSkies URWLified.esm [CRC: 931DEFF7]
1E  CFWNV.esm [CRC: FE724A24]
1F  MoMod.esm [CRC: ED49478C]
20  Psiclones.esm [CRC: 066C8F8B]
21  WARZONES - Misanthropy Pure.esm [CRC: 3AD17C62]
22  ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm [CRC: BC868740]
23  ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm [CRC: 11DF21DB]
24  LawlessVegas.esm [CRC: 1FE6ED90]
25  RHKGilbertCompanion.esm [CRC: A0ADEFC5]
26  HarderThan.esm [CRC: 20AB7237]
27  XFO UNITE.esp [CRC: 3FF8A81D]
28  More Perks Update.esp [CRC: 5BAE275A]
29  More Perks for Companions Update.esp [CRC: 3321EC32]
2A  More Perks for Dead Money Update.esp [CRC: 2C1A3AF9]
2B  More Perks for Honest Hearts Update.esp [CRC: F7E29AD5]
2C  More Perks for Old World Blues Update.esp [CRC: 902BC79C]
2D  SignatureArmor.esp [CRC: B2D2C7B9]
2E  Immersion fetish.esp [CRC: 8D0BBAAA]
2F  TheCollector.esp [CRC: B529135D]
30  dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp [CRC: 2AF12F26]
31  NewVegasBounties.esp [CRC: DC81F093]
32  AWOPMonsterPatch.esp [CRC: 58297C5D]
34  Caesars_Legion_Overhaul.esp [CRC: E757AC5B]
35  CNT_ImprovedNCR.esp [CRC: 5F0DA4B7]
36  New Vegas Trade Center.esp [CRC: 8B7DD05F]
37  SolarScorcherNV.esp [CRC: 8E7F50D6]
38  DragonskinTacticalOutfit.esp [CRC: ADA2FB07]
39  BinglesMelee4Every1Rare.esp [CRC: 5471A8CB]
3A  EVE FNV.esp [CRC: 8D6B612C]
3B  WeaponModsExpanded.esp [CRC: DD6369EC]
3C  WMX-DLC.esp [CRC: B9D9A664]
3D  WMX-ModernWeapons.esp [CRC: 0FE57222]
3E  WMX preorder.esp [CRC: F8F018FF]
3F  Frequency patch.esp [CRC: 4DC8144F]
40  w44Satchels - Full.esp [CRC: 77816C9C]
41  Compilation.esp [CRC: 835CD17B]
42  Classic Companion Config.esp [CRC: F48FDD9C]
43  Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp [CRC: 0B42D351]
44  Project Nevada - WMX.esp [CRC: EC8F0F8E]
45  Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp [CRC: 566C723C]
46  HarderThan-PN.esp [CRC: 9B0B0D5E]
47  The Mod Configuration Menu.esp  [Version 1.2] [CRC: FE0C836A]
48  PN-DLC.esp [CRC: 20F12BAE]
49  URWlified-DLC.esp [CRC: 67BA98AF]
4A  ELECTRO-CITY - Imaginator.esp [CRC: 725303BA]
4B  Merging patches.esp [CRC: B5DA14D5]
4C  Bashed Patch, 1.esp [CRC: 85C9BF09]


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I don't see anything wrong in your load order. Admittedly I'm not familiar with some of them. I guess your familiar with FNVEdit? try to load all your mods then check one by one for errors. Also have you edited any DLC? Because that's also 1 reason I can think of.

Sounds like a plan.


I've done that a little before, and I did see some "strings" marked in red.

One of those red lines = Error that potentially causes crashes?

If so, what can I do about it?


Thanks for all the help so far!

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A string marked in red doesnt always mean an error, sometimes its just a conflict loser. What you have to look out for is this <error cannot resolved>


If one mod comes up with <error cannot resolved> it means its a bad/corrupted mod. Maybe it got corrupted while downloading. Try redownloading that mod and check again. If the error persist, see if you can fix or bring it to the authors attention.





I case you don't remember, to check for error just right click the mod in fnvedit and select "check for errors". The report will come out in the message box right side of fnvedit.

Edited by mnemnoch
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