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General Mod Advice

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So after many years i have recently gotten back into PC gaming, think last thing i played was System Shock 2! Grabbed myself New Vegas and had a dabble at installing some mods and as far as i can tell everything works correctly and New Vegas looks far better.

Just a few questions though i have installed Project Nevada + Extra Options and in the menu under Equipment and Cyberwear it states Error 404....is it supposed to be like this or do i have an error!?

Secondly....load order....this is what i have


Project Nevada - Core.esm=1
Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp=1
Project Nevada - Equipment.esm=1
Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp=1
Project Nevada - Extra Options.esm=1
Interior Lighting Overhaul - Core.esm=1
Interior Lighting Overhaul - L38PS.esm=1
Project Nevada - Cyberware Additions.esp=1
Mission Mojave - Ultimate Edition.esp=1
Interior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.esp=1
ILO - GS Shack.esp=1
ILO - PipBoy Light.esp=1
Project Nevada - Rebalance Complete.esp=1
Project Nevada - All DLC.esp=1
FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting - Full.esp=1

I have watched a few videos and in truth it still doesn't mean much so would rather ask someone more knowledgeable IE everyone else...is that ok...do i have to move anything!?

Many Thanks!

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Well, you'll want to move your project nevada mods below the official DLC's, as a rule of thumb for every beth game the main esm and the DLC esm's always come first, in the order they released. You'll also will have to make a merged patch or bashed patch that takes into account the modifications made by many of your mods, because if you don't make one then the last loaded mod in your load order will always win and override the previous ones.


Also you'll need the MCM menu mod to be able to change the options for some of your loaded mods in it's menu, project nevada definitely uses that.

Edited by Billy1969
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There is an excellent set of advice for those new to modding "Fallout New Vegas" (FNV) here ("sticky" at the top) which covers the essential tools you will need, such as "LOOT" for sorting your "load order". "Wrye Flash" is the FNV version of "Wrye Bash" and creates the "Bashed Patch" mentioned. WF/WB is a "swiss army knife" sort of tool, but if you follow the "Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide" you can get functional with it quite quickly.


While a "mod manager" is not required it does make organizing your modded game much more manageable if you have more than a dozen files. This is especially true when trying to keep the "install order" (which deals with overwriting files of the same name) separate from the "load order" (which relates to the order in which the game reads in mod plugins). There are several choices such as "Nexus Mod Manager" (NMM), "Fallout Mod Manager" (FOMM), "Mod Organizer" (MO), and "Wrye Flash" (WF). FOMM is not updated any more but is usable and the others are still actively supported. NMM is still technically in "beta" status but is fully functional. MO is part of the S.T.E.P. project and they have their own install guide for FNV here.


When you run into problems (which you will inevitably) I have a general troubleshooting guide posted here. It will help you narrow down the most commonly asked questions so you can get more directed help faster.



Edited by dubiousintent
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