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A good question about Archery and Smithing


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It has been said in many articles that arrows in Skyrim will be more rare than in Olbivion which means they will be harder to find but a new skill in this game is the ability to create armor and weapons. Well if we can create that stuff than shouldn't we be able to create arrows as well? Right now I am just wondering if the ability to create arrows will even be in the game?
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There hasnt been any confirmations, but since the proper materials are available to create these things I think that it is very plausible that they will be craftable. We also see that arrows are either effected by bound bows, are bound with bows, or are bound separately from them
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That would be fletching awesome if we could! ;)

Well played, sir! You don't get many opportunities to make a cheesy bowyer joke.

Would you say...it was a good shot? :tongue:

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That would be fletching awesome if we could! ;)

Well played, sir! You don't get many opportunities to make a cheesy bowyer joke.

Would you say...it was a good shot? :tongue:


I think that one was a little off target. ;)

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That would be fletching awesome if we could! ;)

Well played, sir! You don't get many opportunities to make a cheesy bowyer joke.

Would you say...it was a good shot? :tongue:


I dare say you nocked that first one out of the park. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif

Seriously, I hope they do include fletching. I used a fletching mod for my hunters in Oblivion, so it'd be nice to have something of the likes in Skyrim.



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