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Cheydinhal Oblivion Gate not appearing.


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As the title says, the gate outside of Cheydinhal which is linked to "Aid for Bruma" and "The Wayward Knight" quests is not appearing. I know I didn't close it already, and turning off my mods does not make it appear either. All of the "fixes" I have seen for this problem on these forums have not worked, so I am at a loss of ideas.


I have installed the unofficial oblivion patch and the supplemental, as well as all required files. So, at this point I am just looking for a way to get into it, whether it be by a fix or by using the console. If anyone could help me out on this, I would appreciate it. If you need any information, let me know and I'd be happy to get it for you.

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This is from the bugs section of the UESP Wiki for Allies for Bruma:


When the Unofficial Oblivion Patch is installed, completing Attack on Fort Sutch causes the map markers for the six gates related to this quest to disappear making it impossible to finish without using the console.

This bug is fixed by the Unofficial Oblivion Patch Supplemental.


Here's the link for Attack on Fort Sutch (which also mentioned the bug).

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Not sure how bad it would affect "The Wayward Knight", but you can actually avoid getting aid from other cities completely. If you do that, you'll instead see the Bruma Militia take the places of the soldiers from other cities. Downside with that is that they're not as well equipped, and might die faster.
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This is from the bugs section of the UESP Wiki for Allies for Bruma:


When the Unofficial Oblivion Patch is installed, completing Attack on Fort Sutch causes the map markers for the six gates related to this quest to disappear making it impossible to finish without using the console.

This bug is fixed by the Unofficial Oblivion Patch Supplemental.


Here's the link for Attack on Fort Sutch (which also mentioned the bug).

Yes, I had seen that thread, but its solution (the supplementals) did not fix it for me. I had the supplementals and the oblivion patch both installed before I had even started this character. I even tried reinstalling them and the required files and it still did not fix this problem for me.

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My only suggestion is to either wait doing the Attack on Fort Sutch quest until after you've completed Allies for Bruma (which is how I did it) or don't install the UOP until after you've completed Attack on Fort Sutch and Allies for Bruma.
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