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AMD Bulldozer is in!!!

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my friend just bought an 8150 bulldozer, and hes loving it. he doesnt push cards to their limits or anything, has some experience in OCing, but basically just games. and he says he hasnt had any issues so far...
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There are for example blue screen-bugs with some Steam-games, like "Total War: Shogun 2" and "Deus Ex: Human Revolution". Also, the "Turbo Core"-function doesnt work properly with Windows 7 because it cant handle/identify the modules and threads correctly yet. Those are the worst things I remember, but I havent read much more about it yet since the initial reviews/tests.
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which isnt entirely bulldozers fault, thats something that can get fixed.


but ive also heard that with boards that werent AM3+ the ones that just said they were compatible with AM3+, are having issues too. a lot of Asus boards i think.

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YEah tthey are in, check new egg.com i found one clocked at 3.6ghz.




Next who knows what the clock speeds are, if they hit the 4ghz range I'm buying.


Sweet it can be overclocked naturally with turbo to 4.2ghz.



Edited by Thor.
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YEah tthey are in, check new egg.com i found one clocked at 3.6ghz.




Next who knows what the clock speeds are, if they hit the 4ghz range I'm buying.


Sweet it can be overclocked naturally with turbo to 4.2ghz.




Save some money and get the 8120 instad. As it's exactly the same CPU as the 8150 and completely unlocked for overclocking, so it will reach exactly the same results as the 8150 as well ;) Overclocking with all the modules activated wont reach much more than around 4.7Ghz with stable results though, because it gets incredibly hot with ridiculous power consumption. There's apparantly a hard-coded temperature-limit to 75C, where it starts to throttle, which isnt possible to de-activate (As it usually is). So any overclocking has to stay below that temperature with a good margin, if you want to prevent horrible performance-drops that is.

Edited by Mr. Bravo
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Meh its nothing if you have 1000Watt psu, its highly recommended. Try finding one higher then that, like a 1200Watt psu, rare but its worth every peny.


like this one. its only 1000Watt but its compatible with everything.



Edited by Thor.
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lol all set one 1000W, hell the 850W i plan on is more then i need.


still, most likely getting the 2500k for my build...still a ways to go, but im leaning to that more and more

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im not as into the Cores as you are. ill never use them. by the time games use them, there will be 10 more generations of CPUs out with 545235243 cores lol, which games wont use.


like i said, still a ways to go, by the time i build my PC, Piledriver might be out, and Ivy Bridge too (maybe, depends on when in 2012 they come out, but i dont think ill be building my PC until 2012 anyways soo ya...) ill have plenty of good choices....cant really go wrong. not like if i chose the i5 over amd that im making a bad choice lol

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