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Medieval Cyrodiil


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Hey there,


I'm a modder for another game called M&B Warband. I have several sword models that you may be able to use for your mod. I need to texture them, but if it looks like something you need, I can probably find enough motivation to work on texturing them. I'd even be willing to do other weapons for this mod as well. Send me a PM if interested.


Some previous work




















Dude, were have you and your swords been all my life?! i been looking for sword mods like these for ages!


Anyways back on topic here, i would love to help out, only thing is i wouldnt have the time and my construction set is so buggy and crashes at everything i do. So anyways i look forward to this mod and sorry i cant be of any assistance.

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  • 3 months later...

I have gathered a large number of references for clothing, weapons, and armor, and I've been working on quite a lot of background information and game elements, so this mod is not dead, just nearing the end if it's current tether.


I am willing and able to put stuff in the game, and to make the textures and color variants, but I don't have the modeling skill to make anything. I'm looking for modelers willing to make clothing, weapons, and armor. You would only have to work on what you wanted to work on, and you would have a bit of freedom to adapt the references. I just can't model this stuff on my own, and I need help.

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I'm sure some modders would be willing to help.


Me? I'm new at modding. Once i learn to create meshes and textures i could probably lend a hand.

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While I do like the attempt to create the animations needed for flails, I'm not certain I want to include them. I've worked on the balancing of the weapons without adding in the flails, and I think that if I do include them, it would simply upset the balance that I have made. My balance isn't so much "This weapon is heavier and more expensive, but stronger and more damaging, the new balance is more based on realism, with some tweaks for gameplay. Swords are insanely expensive, fairly effective, lightweight, and durable, but blunt weapons are FAR cheaper, some are just as effective, if not more effective than the equivalent swords, a little heavier, and relatively durable. Knives are cheap, not very effective unless sneaking, very lightweight, and kinda durable. Adding in flails would mean having to try to balance how effective they are based on maces, but I have to make sure they don't overpower swords.


Armor is receiving a similar overhaul. Light armor is made up of fur, cloth, and leather armors, while heavy armors are all metal. Shields and helmets are separate lists, independent of the rest of the body armor. Also tabbards and surcoats, as seen on city guards, are being made separate, being placed on the amulet slot with vests. I would need someone to model these, but they're fairly simple, I would think (the actual cloth is a simple rectangle with stuff on it and a hole for the head).

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What little research I've done on Medieval weapons (mostly following links that were posted on the threads discussing things like the flails etc. and then getting lost in Wiki/Google land) impressed me with one thing ... cheap weapons wielded by little more than peasants were often quite effective against the 'state of the art' weapons used by the rich (a case of 'real world balancing', not necessarily a good thing for game world/game play balancing granted).
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Indeed, though in reality, different weapons were better suited for different things. "blunt" weapons like clubs, maces, and hammers were not very effective against heavy plated armors, and mildly ineffective against heavily padded armors, but against armors like chainmail, or thin armors, they worked wonders. Thin stabbing weapons like arrows, spears, and thin swords were effective against pretty much anything, though with plate, you'd have to find the joints in the armor. While I can't truly simulate this in Oblivion, I can make it so that the "cheap" peasant-type weapons are not only forces to be reckoned with, but also, in many cases, more effective than low-level swords and daggers. This makes it more effective to use blunt weapons while low-level, while using wooden training swords (Which will be included) to help hone your skills with bladed weapons when you can afford to get them. Swords and such can be swung faster, have longer lives, and are lighter weight, sometimes, while blunt weapons are heavier, slower, do a tiny bit more damage, and are cheap to replace.


This makes the game balance FAR different from that of base game, but still a very effective system. How well it all balances out will have to be determined by play-testing. I haven't finished gathering references for the weapons, but once I do, I will begin gather models (Some preexisting models would do nicely, if I can get permissions).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Weapons seem to be of particular significance to a lot of people at this point in time. Maybe it's just because weapons are cool. I don't know. I haven't been on the nexus in almost half a year now. Just a few things I was thinking to ask.

Firstly, where would axes fit into this. I know axes are included in the blunt weapons section of Oblivion which always confused the hell out of me, because axes are not blunt, they are hacking weapons, which is not the same...

Secondly... I KNOW you said pole arms were not looking very likely, and that's understandable. Computing in the extended reach, and how to make that seem believable in first person without looking like a violent version of the "Psychic Poke" would be tremendously difficult. Just think you might find it worth your time to know that polearms... at the very least pikes, played an important role on the medieval battlefield. Poleaxes... used to pull knights from horseback... which was necessary if you wanted to kill him.

On that note. Please say something on the likelihood of mounted combat. I know it's difficult to program, but I'm sure it can be done, and was a big part of medieval combat as well. No fielded army can exist without a cavalry unit of some form, to counter enemy cavalry, or to assault enemy siege positions.

As to siege weapons... maybe I'm asking a bit too big. If polearms are hairy business... trebuchet and ballistae are just otherworldly, I would think. Literally because the only siege machine in the original game was the Oblivion siege engine.


Perhaps... as a note on that machine... if it will help... I did find, using console codes, that I could walk on top of the oblivion machine. I think, if you could redesign the oblivion siege machine into say... a siege tower, it could make a serviceable weapon of war.

That's the end of my ramble for today. It's late out here, and I have watch nice and early this morning.

Sorry I leave such big responses. I don't know when I'm going to be on again, and feel the need to put all of my thoughts out there.

Just know that if you need help, I'm here, and I'll do what I can. This is an awesome idea. I'd love to see it come to fruition.

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Weapons were of great significance simply because they were a survival tool. Often, as in England during the latter part of the period this mod is covering, citizens were required to own at least one weapon, a bow, and some arrows. That way, if they're called to war, they can go immediately, without the King having to spend any money on giving them equipment.


Axes will still fall under the same catagory of weapons as Maces, though the name will be changed to Hafted, as that fits them more. I will also be crafting one-handed warhammers, and two-handed maces, as those were all in-use. Trust me, calling axes "Blunt" bothered me, as well.


Polearms would end up using either the default one-handed or two-handed animations, which look odd with warhammers and large battle axes already, and they don't have as long a reach. I would like to include them, and they might actually be included with a later update, but for now, don't hold your breath. It's not just getting them to have proper lengths and reaches, but also speeds, weights, costs, durability, and everything else needed to know.


I'm not a coder. I would like to implement mounted combat if I can, but I hate how Oblivion's horses control, anyway. If I was to implement mounted combat, I would need to do something like Mount & Blade, but I'm not sure that's a possibility. I'm aware of the importance of mounted combat, but keep in mind that not all cultures used horses in combat. Nordic peoples, for instance, rarely used it, as they were a seafaring farmer culture. The rocky terrain of the Jerall Mountains makes it difficult to reliably use horses for combat in County Bruma and County Chorrol. Bravil and Leyawiin both are in a marshy area that horses wouldn't be able to move easy in, Skingrad is known for it's wine, not it's horses, and Anvil for it's ships. All that leaves is Kvatch (Not much there to be famous for anymore), Cheydinhaal (Possibly a good one to use horses), and the Imperial City (Which is far too metropolitan to have horses in most of it's area anyway.


As for siege weapons...Oblivion doesn't like the use of ladders, but perhaps a siege tower could be implemented. Don't know how hard that would be to do, especially getting NPCs to use it. On the other hand, I could also use trebuchets and catapults, which might work better with physics, but it would also be far more imprecise than the real thing. Really, there isn't much call for siege warfare in the basegame, though there will be inter-county battles going on in the final version of my mod, so we'll see. If I can do it, I'll try. At the very least, you'll see them, just maybe not in action.


And that's no problem. I like big responses. Big responses means ideas. Things I may not have thought about, or ideas on ways to solve problems that I wouldn't know how to tackle, among other things.

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UPDATE: Sorry about the double post, but if I edited my last one, I was worried no one would see it. D:


Anyway, on to the update. I have almost completely rebalanced the carriables in basegame in preparation for new content to be made for it, and I am currently working on re-balancing the magic so I can finish making necessary changes to scrolls, staffs, and potions before I start placing new content into the mod. Speaking of new content, I now have a modeler who joined the team, and will be working on weapons and armor. Not exactly where I wanted to start, but close enough. They're arguably more important anyway. lol Still looking for clothing modelers, but for now, I got someone working with me, and I can begin work in earnest once he is able to finish modeling what is needed.


Based on advice given on TES Alliance, I will start looking at some modder's resources in preparation for replacing world items, thought there are still many world items needed for this mod to be complete. No need to redesign things that have already been redesigned, right? Though there will still be tweaks needed to make it all fit together and look like it was designed by the same team, or with the same visual look in mind.


The "Lite" version has turned into a "Proof-of-Concept" and "Baseline" version of the mod, and will form the basis of the final features. I'll be using it to test out the balancing of the mod before I put it into full action, and the mod will be built based off of this .esp. If anyone wants to test the mod as it develops, let me know via PM, and I'll upload the .esp somewhere and PM you a link. It's not complete yet. The changes made to weights and prices have been made and are working well so far. Don't expect to be able to afford much of anything at the start of the game. :P

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