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Reinstall Skyrim info


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Hi, recently while gaming, it crashes in a white screen and I must disconnect and reconnect my computer, so I need to try with a reinstallation of the game, but I have a question...can I reinstall Skyrim, mods and play with my saved game or I must to start a new game?

Thank you

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never heard of white screen crashing.


But dont just blindly reinstall all mods again without first figuring out the problem...........that will just lead to repeating the problem all over again.


Old saying......if you keep doing the same thing you will keep getting the same results.

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Thanks for the reply. I would like to try this way because in another post, another person had the same problem and he fixed it in this way. I installed and unistalled some mods during game, and papyrus randomly sent me errors that I don't understood, then the only thing I cant try is to reinstall all and don't touch nothing. The only thing is, almost all mods need a new game for work properly, I had already configured them in my saved game, can I reinstall all and continue or I must to start a new game? Thank you and sorry for my english, it's not my language.

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White screen is a driver/engine conflict.


So mods that can effect the engine can cause it. Like ENB.


I got this a lot with the GTX 970 & 980 but not at all with the 980 ti.


Diver updates & ENB updates made it manageable for me but it never really went away until I got the 980 ti.


Skyrim. The only game I play that can take down my computer.



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