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ok! stay with me on this! halo plasma grenades!...


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a new grenade at the crafting station that has all of the same requirements as regular plasma grenades but they stick to targets like the ones in halo.

they could use the damage type of plasma grenades as in an explosion of physical damage followed by an intense burn of energy damage with a nice blue version of the molotov explosion animation and particle effect.

as for texturing and model they can either be a recreation of the halo version of the grenade or even a blue and silver recolor of vanilla plasma grenades.

im not sure in there are any scripts in the game that could be used to make the grenade stick to the target then wait a good 3-5 seconds before blowing up that could be used so they may have to be made from scratch.

i just think this is a really cool idea that would noticeably increase the tactical possibilities of hand delivered explosive payloads in this game. i know they were always my favorite in the halo series.


as for lore possibilities. you could find the blueprints for them in maybe gorski cabin where you get the mininuke pieces or perhaps in the institute maybe cricket could be selling them or even the dead scorched remains of a mad bomber waster that you find with a holotape on a table next to the blueprints explaining what these grenades are and why they were made.

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I only know how to half-ass mods. so, I can try this, make a chem station utility something that lets you craft it, or maybe tuck it into Crickets inventory. When it really comes down to it, if you want custom art, you're gonna have to make it yourself. and I'm not even certain what the steps are to build a functional sticky grenade, so that's gonna take time. so I'll try to meet you in the middle. Sticky grenade, no new art, and you can use one of the plasma recolor mods like: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2977/? to make it blue PM me if you're interested in me trying my hand at a sticky grenade

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