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[WIP] Beast Master - Creature Companion Overhaul


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So about 2 hours ago I was feeling very triumphant. I'd finally gotten all the body paints to appear correctly. Huzzah!


....and now the CK has decided to screw with me by causing my paint-switching script to suddenly tell me that all my formlists are empty. Which they aren't.







Edited by steelfeathers
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So about 2 hours ago I was feeling very triumphant. I'd finally gotten all the body paints to appear correctly. Huzzah!


....and now the CK has decided to screw with me by causing my paint-switching script to suddenly tell me that all my formlists are empty. Which they aren't.








Looking good!

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I have been following this mod since you first posted it on the nexus and I got to say, I am checking every day for updates, this is how much I liked the mod. Good work

There now I turned from a lurker to a stalker xD

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A question for anyone watching the development of this mod:


Should I hold off on release until the whole "war against bethesda.net" thing blows over? It seems like the sort of mess that would easily bury any new mod release, but at the same time, I don't want to support all the frothing-at-the-mouth instigaters by seeming to "abstain" from releasing content....

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It looks great! Don't mind the drama, just release it if you feel it's ready.

Sadly it's not quite ready yet. I've hit another snag that I fear is going to drive me as batty as those paint overlays: GetSize() seems to always return zero for formlists. Which, if I can't find a way to fix it or go around it, would completely un-do all the sweat and tears I've put into making paint overlays that fit each creature variation. (**muffled screaming**)


I have been following this mod since you first posted it on the nexus and I got to say, I am checking every day for updates, this is how much I liked the mod. Goiod work


There now I turned from a lurker to a stalker xD

Glad to have you!

Edited by steelfeathers
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Huzzah! Glad you pulled through one obstacle at least. And referring to your earlier statement: Do whatever you feel is right. Folk need to realize that mod creators are not developers but exceptionally gifted fans.


That's not quite true in my case. I work as a software developer in my day job, and at night I have a part-time job as a 3D/2D artist for a mobile game company. Buuut I do see your point :wink: (Which is why simple problems with this mod take so long to resolve....ugh)


At this point I estimate that I have 3-4 more days of work until the mod is ready for initial release - there's additional content I want to add, such as more name choices and other paint designs (I'm thinking a badass Raider paint, to start), but it's not critical to the main mod, so it can wait for an update down the line. So if the fervor being stirred up has died down by the weekend, I hope to be able to post Beast Master on saturday or sunday. We'll see.




Looks impressive to say the least. I cant wait to get my hands on it, kudos to you.



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