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This is what happens when you support console modding.


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I never said or implied that console players were inferior. I understand that people are excited, but that doesn't mean they should be bitching to mod authors about what bethesda made impossible or worse that they should steal.


Bethesda made multiple forms for console and PC players to express their excitement about mods. The creation kit form for is/was for talking about code, not for begging modders to take an existing mod, copy it, and put it on consoles.


And how many mod requests are posted in the wrong section of this website?



Right now I've only seen one which isn't a problem. Before the consoles launched mods, on bethesda.net I saw none. Now I can't go a whole hour of being on the CK form without seeing a new one.

Edited by demonofsarila
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I never said or implied that console players were inferior. I understand that people are excited, but that doesn't mean they should be bitching to mod authors about what bethesda made impossible or worse that they should steal.


Bethesda made multiple forms for console and PC players to express their excitement about mods. The creation kit form for is/was for talking about code, not for begging modders to take an existing mod, copy it, and put it on consoles.

Oh, you mean that thing PC users have been doing on this forum for years, just replacing 'port to xbox' with 'making from scratch'?

Yes and I would know this since I join Nexus in December?

By looking at the forum at literally any point before console mods where released.

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By looking at the forum at literally any point before console mods where released.



Excuse me for not examining the archives in great deal. Simply by looking at the front page of this form it is not having the same problem on the same scale that the bethesda CK form is having.

Edited by demonofsarila
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By looking at the forum at literally any point before console mods where released.


Excuse me for not examining the archives in great deal. Simply by looking at the front page of this form it is not having the same problem on the same scale that the bethesda CK form is having.

I'm not asking you to examine the Nexus archives in any detail. I'm literally just asking you to remember the span between the December you joined and May in which you where active AND there where no console mods.

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I can tell you, from experience, that the whole 'no HD weapons' is absolute BS. I feared as much in the beginning, but it turns out it's all just rumours and conjectures. As far as my rifle goes, at least. If we're talking about something that uses absurd texture sizes (i.e. P99), I have no idea.

It was the assumption based on knowledge of what PS4 & Xbox One's hardware is based on. PS4 GPU = custom AMD HD 7870, Xbox One GPU= Unique variant between AMD HD 7770 and HD 7790. Those GPUs are originally from early 2012. Not very powerful by today's PC standards, not at all. Compare the X1 GPU to Titan X(GTX 1080 is even better than the Titan X), Titan X has 5 times the data output in floating point operations over the Xbox's GPU.


This is a nice mod! You've used it on Xbox One and it's the same as it is on Nexus?


The truth is that something like this is possible(I didn't know for sure if it would be but this mod is living proof) on console only if the author is quite knowledgeable and can do a really good job optimizing his mod. This is an exceptional job, I'm genuinely surprised it was possible on the Xbox. 2048x2048 textures that are extremely well optimized, which is really difficult to do without significantly losing quality. An unskilled modder attempting to do this will either cause major lag(No compression, hogging resources) on Xbox or terrible visual quality(High compression but a poor visual result).


Either way, running multiple mods of this caliber will probably cripple the performance on Xbox One.

I have no problem with mods coming to consoles. What I do have a rather massive problem with is this "re-upping a mod that I got from X site to Beth.net when I'm not the original creator isn't theft" attitude that some people have explicitly, publicly stated.

Same here. It needs to stay the case that the original author is always the one to bring their mod to console.



Long live the PC Master Race...and the console clowns, too, I guess.

And snobs who are no different from so-called console clowns.


Any perception of "higher financial status" is meaningless. If you want to actually create your own mods, you're going to need a good PC to do it so there's one great reason.


Check out this build with RX 480, which will do 1080p with Fallout 4's max settings probably even at 60. Maybe even 1440p/30fps which is unbelievable for a $199 GPU. https://pcpartpicker.com/user/pandaforest/saved/nVFMnQ. Only a $550 machine.


I want the very best experience for Fallout 4 modding(+TES VI in the future) so it's worth it for me to buy a PC. I want 4K @ a reliable 60 fps even when using mods and possibly ENB so it's worth it for me to go for a GTX 1080, 6700k. I want to be able to add however many mods I want without reduced performance, 250+ like on Skyrim. Around US $2000-$2500 worth of parts doesn't seem unreasonable to me.


My point was it's silly assume I know what it's like here since I'm such a new member. Either way from what I've seen the problem I mentioned either isn't a problem here or the moderation is working really well.

True. I haven't been active here in quite a while but from what I've seen any trolls who show up are pretty much always gone in the blink of an eye. They and their posts are usually gone before you can see them.
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It's nice seeing a number of people here saying the attitudes of console gamers is not an issue. On the bethesda forms, I've give up on the creation kit form. There's so many topics that either belong in another form or are just console players bitching about buying 2 copies of the game to make their own mods. Modding a game (either by downloading content made by others or by making mods yourself) requires/involves a certain level of patience and perseverance that some people just aren't showing.


Am I against bethesda making it possible to have mods on consoles? Not at all. But that doesn't mean I like how many of the console players I've seen are behaving about it.



I have no problem with mods coming to consoles. What I do have a rather massive problem with is this "re-upping a mod that I got from X site to Beth.net when I'm not the original creator isn't theft" attitude that some people have explicitly, publicly stated.


That has nothing to do with console players being inferior people though, and is simply a matter of this being brand new... like less than a month old new...


The Nexus has had years and years and years to form into what it is today, and we still have people around here who want to preach about how bad the Creation Engine is because their particular broken computer can't run the game, people who are constantly asking us to illegally port content from New Vegas or Skyrim, and people getting banned for openly admitting to piracy...


'Skyrim has horses, so it should be easy to just port horses to work into Fallout 4.'


Has just now been replaced with...


'Port this mod over to Xbox so I can has armor.'




Forums... Forums never changes.


Wait... that doesn't sound like good grammar... whatevs...





Or the "i'll pay to the one who adds ... in the game"


This is why we must understand modders who don't want to go through all of that again.

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I never said or implied that console players were inferior. I understand that people are excited, but that doesn't mean they should be bitching to mod authors about what bethesda made impossible or worse that they should steal.


Bethesda made multiple forms for console and PC players to express their excitement about mods. The creation kit form for is/was for talking about code, not for begging modders to take an existing mod, copy it, and put it on consoles.

Oh, you mean that thing PC users have been doing on this forum for years, just replacing 'port to xbox' with 'making from scratch'?


Not sure what your point is, copying a mod someone else made and distributing it in any way without the author's consent is a form of stealing, 'making from scratch' AKA making your own mod, is not.

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I never said or implied that console players were inferior. I understand that people are excited, but that doesn't mean they should be bitching to mod authors about what bethesda made impossible or worse that they should steal.


Bethesda made multiple forms for console and PC players to express their excitement about mods. The creation kit form for is/was for talking about code, not for begging modders to take an existing mod, copy it, and put it on consoles.

Oh, you mean that thing PC users have been doing on this forum for years, just replacing 'port to xbox' with 'making from scratch'?

Not sure what your point is, copying a mod someone else made and distributing it in any way without the author's consent is a form of stealing, 'making from scratch' AKA making your own mod, is not.
If you'd take a moment to read the comment I quoted, you'd see that I was referring to the phenomena of people asking modders to do difficult or impossible things, like creating a new mod from scratch on a whim or porting a mod to XB1 that won't work there.


Edit: That was a bit harsh in retrospect. My point may have been lost in reference to the original post. Basically, there have always been people coming on the forums, asking someone to make a quest or new world or armor. Now we just add asking people to port mods to consoles to that list.

Edited by Danneyo
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I never said or implied that console players were inferior. I understand that people are excited, but that doesn't mean they should be bitching to mod authors about what bethesda made impossible or worse that they should steal.


Bethesda made multiple forms for console and PC players to express their excitement about mods. The creation kit form for is/was for talking about code, not for begging modders to take an existing mod, copy it, and put it on consoles.

Oh, you mean that thing PC users have been doing on this forum for years, just replacing 'port to xbox' with 'making from scratch'?

Not sure what your point is, copying a mod someone else made and distributing it in any way without the author's consent is a form of stealing, 'making from scratch' AKA making your own mod, is not.
If you'd take a moment to read the comment I quoted, you'd see that I was referring to the phenomena of people asking modders to do difficult or impossible things, like creating a new mod from scratch on a whim or porting a mod to XB1 that won't work there.



Except the porting I was referring to is stealing. The things Bethesda made impossible are things like running CK on a mac or windows laptop that doesn't have fallout.


Edit: in reply to your edit, I'm not saying people requesting things is a bad thing, that's why there's a requests section. But things on beth's forms are out of hand, at least for now. It isn't people who have had a good idea for a new quest. It's people who can't use google, don't read FAQs, and won't even take the time to post anywhere near the right section then asking questions that have been asked twice in the last hour in that same wrong section/form; the threads for which are still within the top 10 of the list. And even if you try to help by reporting a thread, that thread jumps it to the top, so while everyone reports it, it doesn't go away. Eventually people stop reporting it and the thread makes it way down the list, but by then there's more because the moderators won't do anything about it.


I'm just going to assume TeamBacon is right in that the Nexus has been developing for years into a nice place where we can have nice things. Even if the problems in beth's forms are because it's a new form/site and they haven't figure things out yet, that doesn't I want to hang around while they figure it out even though I would like a place to talk about modding fallout. Besides, I like the black bg; it's easy on the eyes.

Edited by demonofsarila
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