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Adding a Topic to an NPC Problems.


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Hello I'm making a mod where you can summon, for a cost, different types of Imperial Soldiers, from an Imperial Legion Commander NPC. But I've run into a bit of a snag.

I have tried multiple ways of adding the topic that allows summoning to the Commander, but I have failed. It just won't show up.

Now I'm getting confused and tierd, if anyone can take a look at my mini-mod and tell me what I'm doing wrong, I would be very thankfull.



(scroll down and hit the download or save to pc button)


The prefix for all things I added are:



Example for clarification:






(the commander is in the prison district of Imperial City)

(commander name in construction set is 1ILC


I would love it if someone helped me out here, I have followed guides and also tried basically copying from a similar script in another mod.

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Yes. When formIDs start with a number there are certain conditions in which things won't work. It is very confusing, because form IDs starting with numbers will work under most operating conditions, but never under others. For example, the CS may always let you make numbered form IDs and use them in custom leveled lists. But it may never ever let you refer to numbered form IDs in dialog result scripts. So as fg109 says, it is best to never prefix anything with a number.
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