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OOO conflicts with UOP


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Ok, question. Is it ok and normal that OOO shows red conflict icon? The small conflict report is this:


[Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul COMPLETE 1.33.omod] (major conflict)

Data file textures\menus80\icons\armor\cowlofthegrayfox\helmet.dds already exists

- CRC's match, so probably nothing to worry about.

- Data file owned by unofficial_oblivion_patch_v3_2_0_omod_version-5296.omod

Data file textures\menus50\icons\armor\cowlofthegrayfox\helmet.dds already exists

- CRC's match, so probably nothing to worry about.

- Data file owned by unofficial_oblivion_patch_v3_2_0_omod_version-5296.omod

Data file textures\menus\icons\armor\cowlofthegrayfox\helmet.dds already exists

- CRC's match, so probably nothing to worry about.

- Data file owned by unofficial_oblivion_patch_v3_2_0_omod_version-5296.omod

Data file meshes\armor\dwarven\m\greaves_gnd.nif already exists

- CRC mismatch. The new file is different from the old.

- Data file owned by unofficial_oblivion_patch_v3_2_0_omod_version-5296.omod

Data file meshes\armor\cowlofthegrayfox\helmet_gnd.nif already exists

- CRC mismatch. The new file is different from the old.

- Data file owned by unofficial_oblivion_patch_v3_2_0_omod_version-5296.omod



This conflict report displays only data file and script defined conflicts

For EDID conflicts, please use the full conflict report tool.



Any help would be appreciated.



Edited by KanedaSyndrome
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Ok, thank you.


Should I then adjust the load order or something in this situation? Since it states that the last two entries aren't the same where one is an older version of the other, so I guess I'd want to adjust the load order so the addon with the newest entries are at the bottom (ie. being loaded last)? And in that case, would that be the OOO mod I should load last? Or is it all automatic and I just need to trust it and activate the mod? What is your personal estimate?




  On 10/15/2011 at 11:44 PM, LFact said:

Don't take it seriously unless it's really serious.

UOP includes several fixed meshes(and icon if there's any). And other mod may overwrite them(like what clothing/armor replacers do).

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OOO and UOP probably make the most widespread changes of any mod. UOP supposedly fixes over 1800 bugs, which include meshes, textures, even the placement of some floating trees. OOO also changes, meshes, textures, npcs, etc.


This means that with mods as large as these 2, there will be conflicts. Luckily, these conflicts do not make the mods incompatible. A lot of mods have several conflicts between them, most of them completely benign.


As for load order, UOP goes at the top, always, unless another mod specifically states it must go before it.

I recommend downloading "BOSS" (Better Oblivion Sorting Software). It automatically gives you a near flawless load order with the mod it recognises.


Hope this helps :)

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In OBMM anything that is changed from the original, or from a previously loaded mod is flagged as a conflict.


Most conflicts are on purpose. The mod changed something in the game - That's what mods do.


The problems arise when 2 mods change the same thing in the game. This may or may not be on purpose. Typically, the last one loaded will control what is actually in the game.


If a mod changes something already changed by a previous mod. AND the asset changed in the first mod is used by something else, that causes a problem.


Even If it doesn't cause a problem, it is still flagged as a conflict so you will be able to tell exactly what was changed in case there is a problem. :thumbsup:

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Thank you both of you.


I still would've liked a personal oppinion on whether or not it would be safe to run. But I guess I gotta assume that OOO was made to run with UOP hehe. Besides, the changes only affects textures, and only two instances don't match, so I guess it's a minimum impact, especially if the only change is an ugle texture over a nice one..

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