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Remove All Hoods!


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We can't remove the hoods on the armour itself at the moment, but there are mods that replace the hooded armour with hoodless alternatives, while keeping the stats.


http://www.witchernexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=83 by Redshank replaces the Blue Stripes (Roche) with either Raven or a leather jacket.


http://www.witchernexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=223 replaces Kayran with a retextured Quilted Leather.


http://www.witchernexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=219 replaces Dark Mode Kinslayer with either Thyssen or Tir Na Lia, both of which are retextured.


If you want to use all three, there's a small edit you need to make to a text file so that the Kayran and Dark Mode armours can co-exist. It's described in the readme file for both mods. The Roche mod will co-exist with the others. All three mods work with the current version of the game.


If you're using other hooded armour, such as Draug or Elven, I'd be happy to mod them. So far, I haven't bothered as I don't think many people use them.

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