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Need category for mods that are friendly to the handicapped.


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I have found several mods that make the game easier to play for those of us who have visual impairment, slow reflexes due to age or illness, etc. I think there should be a category or tag that highlights this kind of mod. Call it ADA Compliant (American's with Disabilities Act) or something. There may not be many elderly persons who play FO4 and similar games, but there are some and our numbers will continue to grow as more gamers age. These mods are often called "cheats", and they are for the young and healthy, but some are essential, or nearly so, for people who are not young and/or healthy. The people that write these mods take a lot of abuse in comments about their work. Look people, if you don't die young, you will get old eventually and get a new outlook on the mods you have criticized for making the game "too easy". Go play the game and quit abusing the mod authors that do something to make the game better for people who aren't blessed with youth, health and fast reflexes. If you don't like a mod, why are you bothering to take the time to bash it anyway. No one is going to force you to use a "cheat" mod, or any other mod. Going around posting comments like "nothing to see here, move along" is just nonsense and shows you have too much time and too little to do.

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Gameplay Tweaks or changes is more than sufficient.


The problem here is that, atleast from how I understand it, and how you describe it, this isn't something that mod authors actively and intentionally can plan towards making. These is nothing that would completely distinguish these kinds of mods from a mod which is just intended to make the game easier for the sake of people who want it easier. To make matters more complicated, adding a flag like "ease of use" or "accessibility" is not immediately understood as to what is being meant by these terms, so may be flagged towards mods which are just easy to install. With abbreviations, you run into the other side of the problem, people who have a mod with that intention, but don't recognize the meaning of the tag.


Mod authors taking flak or dealing with complaints is an entirely different matter. Many of the comments along these lines just stem from how "easy" it is (or the perception of which) to adjust a few values and upload a mod and how common different flavors of these kinds of mods tend to be... Sometimes flavored by the poster's own envy of the author for doing something before they could, getting praise for it, or even having the ability. That is not to say that these sorts of comments should be tolerated. Mod authors have the tools to trim their own comment threads, and particularly venomous postings can be reported to have the post removed or actions taken against the poster.


If you can find a good way to have a tag for the mod to declare this sort of thing, it's easy to add to the list, but nothing I can think of feels like it would do the job right.

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I have a very weak/uncoordinated left side of my body, but still get by with normal mods. It is all due to getting hit by a car when I was 12. I guess it is just a habit that I learned...to "force" myself to get better.

Edited by yzerman19
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Thanks for the reply Vagrant0. I guess I wasn't really trying to get a new category added, it just bugs me that all ease of use mods are usually called cheats, and for some of us they are essential aids to be able to play the game at all.

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What I need is a way to make my pip-boy screen fit my resolution. I'm older and my eyes aren't very good and I need to squint just to see the screen, even AFTER right clicking it.

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What I need is a way to make my pip-boy screen fit my resolution. I'm older and my eyes aren't very good and I need to squint just to see the screen, even AFTER right clicking it.

what rez are you at now?

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A very helpful suggestion: At the start of each new game, press the tilde key ~ and enter in the acronym TGM. This is the god mode and it will allow you to get the hang of the game and enjoy it as well despite limitations. You can do this today without ever having to worry about adaptive mods being created.


Caution - Mention of TGM might evoke strong negative reactions in both experienced and hardcore players. These role-playing games (especially Skyrim) can be very fun for recently retired Baby Boomers who previously left video game playing to their grandchildren.

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TGM...I used to slowly show my younger nephew...starting when he was about 9, how to play Oblivion, and he used to get frustrated and cry, etc. I guess that could be the reason why he only plays Skyrim and FO4 on God Mode. Trying to get him interested in some great games, and I taught him how to cheat!!!! I hope he doesn't get the idea that it is okay "to find the easy way" in real life situations...HAVE I CREATED A MONSTER?

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I hope he doesn't get the idea that it is okay "to find the easy way" in real life situations...HAVE I CREATED A MONSTER?

He will be no monster. At worst, he might become a real estate mogul and want to build an incredibly huge fence around the Greater Boston Area to keep out those awful Ghouls who are after our supplies and women, as well as ranting about other stuff.

Edited by Moksha8088
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I admit using TGM or other cheats myself.


The bottom line is that really I don't have much time to play games these days, and in the case of Fallout or Skyrim, difficulty is inconsistent at best, tedium at worst. Playing through the same interior several times until NPC behavior works in your favor, or having to use a stealth playstyle (really just you sniping people from outside their agro range) just stops being fun after a point. Yeah, when things start to get fully modded and more interesting forms of difficulty can be added, I may try going back through to challenge it. But when we're talking about the poorly balanced vanilla gameplay, there wasn't much depth to it to be missing out on.

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