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Is Jefferson relevant to the Framing of the Constitution?


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Is Jefferson a founding father? Obviously.


Did Jefferson have an impact on the framing of the Constitution? Likely.

You've really got a lot of nerve coming in here and saying that right from the outset, when you rampaged *snipped* all through the guns thread denying those very things!


From the last thread, your words copied: "Sorry, but Thomas Jefferson is not a founding father". That was your first post there. Your first post here says exactly the opposite.


I am starting to think you have too many issues to be taken seriously... do you just assume viewpoints totally at odds with each other for the fun of it or what?

You present both as true, therefore...I don't know...you are false?

Edited by WizardOfAtlantis
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“I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.” - Attributed to Robert McCloskey or Richard M. Nixon - take your pick. :psyduck:
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If I had known this would have turned into a satire thread I would have suggested a more droll title.... :ohmy:


How about a more troll title....







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If I had known this would have turned into a satire thread I would have suggested a more droll title.... :ohmy:


How about a more troll title....







That post made my lol even though it was corny p.p

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Is Jefferson a founding father? Obviously.


Did Jefferson have an impact on the framing of the Constitution? Likely.

You've really got a lot of nerve coming in here and saying that right from the outset, when you rampaged *snipped* all through the guns thread denying those very things!


From the last thread, your words copied: "Sorry, but Thomas Jefferson is not a founding father". That was your first post there. Your first post here says exactly the opposite.


I am starting to think you have too many issues to be taken seriously... do you just assume viewpoints totally at odds with each other for the fun of it or what?

You present both as true, therefore...I don't know...you are false?

You've got a lot of nerve blatantly and maliciously misrepresenting what I wrote in the other thread. Maybe you should re-read my posts, and compare them to see how they can be reconciled with each other. I already explained to you, that because you used the term "Founding father" in relation to the Constitution, that I understood the term to referred to 'Founders of the constitution', not the more general blanket term encompassing every person of import involved with the American Revolution, which, by the way, was an entirely reasonable assumption because those two classifications are generally recognized by any student of American history (a stipulation supported by wikipedia).


But whatever, the same phrase or term cannot have different meanings when used in different contexts because the meanings of words never change.


Then again, just ignore everything I wrote because that is what you do, repeat your arguments after I have already refuted them without addressing my refutations, repeat my original statements after I have already clarified them to lessen confusion.


Unfortunately, you make a lot of assumptions about what my assumptions are, and I can tell you, you're wrong about those. But that's just the way I roll.

Yea, and you're wrong about me because I know me and you don't. I don't need to give you a reason explaining why you're wrong because I am the preeminent authority on who I am.

Edited by lukertin
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This is what you said, these are your words:


Except for one thing, I didn't say or imply "here's your proof". I'm pretty sure I implied "do your own homework".

Same difference. You assume I didn't do research beforehand. That's equivalent to saying "Here's your proof" because by implying that I should do my own homework, you simultaneously imply that if I had done my homework, I would have the proof needed to re-direct the conclusions I made.


I never assumed any such thing. I never assumed anything about you, I pointed out that your assumption about me was flawed.


You seem to be pretty confused. Maybe you need to take a break.

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