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samseed666 - BANNED

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samseed666 banned.

Reason for the ban
Mod/mod author bashing in a mod comment topic:


What a USELESS PIECE OF SHITT MOD. NOTHING works. You cant swap ingredients like he says. It just makes you unable to unachemy unless you are at fireplace and eating animation. THAT"S IT. I cant delute mutagens. I cant do ANYTHING ELSE HE SAYS. f*** YOU IDIOT




I dont want any help from you dipshits. I already deleted this s*** mod. I am just glad I had the presence of mind to back up my config files and other mods before I tried this s***. And I know it wasn't a mod conflict cos the only other mod I have that changes scripts is FriendlyHUD, which I removed before I tried this.

You already had two warnings for similar offences in the past. Since you are apparently incapable of complying with a few simple rules, your account is now forfeit.

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Moderation history
This member received 0 informal warnings and 2 formal warnings before they were banned
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