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ballsackkid - BANNED

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ballsackkid banned.




Reason for the ban

User submitted a nice 'unban request' after a simple account closure that was due to a poorly chosen user name.


since you guys seem to be over sensitive little cunts who like to shove the American challenge up their arse. you must be the life of parties. you are like old people only with jizz in your brain (idk how you managed to get jizz on your brain prob ear sex or nose sex oor some other f***ed up thing you like to do) and look like the inside of my grandfather's vagina so f*** u ya bald headed, old skulf*#@ers.


Is that enough inappropriate things or need I say more. If i say anymore I feel like you guys are going to run back crying to your mommy, you are a f***ing adult, at least I hope you are, get over it when people say inappropriate s***. i was considering on stopping but below is a tiny list of words that will make you cry back you mums slutty vagina.


s***, f***, *censored*, crap, piss, dick, cock, pussy, a**hole, bastard, flirt, douche, muggles, mudbloods and finally moist


It's full ban this time.



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