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MechaGodzilla Armor


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I have been losing my mind these past few weeks attempting to rig this and am getting nowhere. I tried separating and parting it out, only to realize the neck rigging doesn't work or it makes my game crash immediately. So, I instead decided "Fine, just the helmet." only to realize I can't get the neck to show ingame. I can, but the head clips through the MG helmet and looks stupid. I can fix this by making the helmet bigger- but I don't want to be a bobblehead. If any good Samaritan is willing to at the minimum, turn the helmet and forearms into usable armor. Ideally, the entire suit would replace the body but would use the Argonian/Khajiit skeleton/animations (since it's a replacer it would work on all races no problem)


Model preview> http://imgur.com/RW6MIUg


PMD model> http://mmdcharizard.deviantart.com/art/MMD-Godzilla-Newcomer-MechaGodzilla3-2-0-DL-481428658


FBX model (converted from above link> http://www.4shared.com/rar/q0UvMqNMba/Kiryu.html






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