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Best companion mods?


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so download their patches? I would have to buy the game again via download since their patches are only for a downloaded version i think? well it doesn't matter anyway I really wanted to try out Deadly reflexes so i made space and fixed the problem by re-installing. lol but id hate to use the disk disks suck i only like them for display cases on a shelf. ^_^
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Post your Rhianna requests in her TesNexus thread. I understand her author is still working on it. :)





Your character is great, one request would be a water breathing and water walking spell, Rhianna has drowned a few times, I found a Rhianna Summon and Rhianna Send home spell, that is really handy thanks.

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I have a few questions about Rhianna


1) I have given her food through the quickshare, she does not seem to consume it, am I supposed to do something else, or is she a goddess and does not require food.


2) her health appears to be real low, 18, is that a lack of sleep or what.


3) does she use stuff like cups and knives and forks, I have seen pictures of her using a cup. I guess I need to give her one.


4) I notice my game level is one and her game level is 2, I understand she follows my level or does she have a way of increasing her level without raising mine.

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I have a few questions about Rhianna


1) I have given her food through the quickshare, she does not seem to consume it, am I supposed to do something else, or is she a goddess and does not require food.


2) her health appears to be real low, 18, is that a lack of sleep or what.


3) does she use stuff like cups and knives and forks, I have seen pictures of her using a cup. I guess I need to give her one.


4) I notice my game level is one and her game level is 2, I understand she follows my level or does she have a way of increasing her level without raising mine.


She eats and drinks occasionally when she's relaxing at home. But not on adventures. She does crave sweetrolls, though.


Don't worry too much about her health stat at such a low level, since she can heal herself and has a good reserve of magicka.


The current version of Rhianna will stay one level above you. You can adjust the offset in the construction set NPC editor, if you're so inclined.

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Yeah she is constantly talking about sweetrolls, interesting that the game does not have chocolate, so I guess it has to be sweet rolls. She will get as many as I can find, and I do see her eating at home and in safe places, like the guild halls.


Thanks for explaining that her level will be 1 level above mine, I was concerned that she would have a very level if I had a game with a high level character.


I did give her the water walking amulet, that seems to avoid the drowning problem, I know she can swim, I have just had her go unconscious when I have crossed the water ways a couple times. It was on the horse, was that a low level problem or what.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm also using Toasers Companion Share and Recruit. With This OBSE now I got it working, but how do you make your own npc's? like can you put a face on your npc's ? and how do you do that? I have face exchange lite and obmm.

So far Valeria reborn and Rhianna are the better companions as they fight well and are smart but they might fight too well for my liking as in over powered, Valeria is my level yet she kicks ass better than even me, oh austin you got the girls naked in playboy mansion you should be ashamed, where can i get that? loooool

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