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NCRCF and Vault 19....


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Part request, part idea, part WTF storywise.


Basically there have been god knows how many requests and ideas regarding NCRCF, so i won't really go into them only to say that story wise it doesn't make sense that a well fortified facility isn't used after powder gangers are wiped out.


The other is Vault 19..... if you do the quest a certain way then the vault is emptied, perfectly habitable and functional and yet noone uses it. EG. i did the quest in a way that had the powder gangers going over to the khans. I went back there, don't know how long later, and the place is empty. Realistically, it seems odd that

1/ Powder gangers don't stay there, or at least leave some there. Aside from one floor its safe.

2/ The khans don't do anything, why?

3/ the vipers, legion, fiends anyone or anything don't take it? hell even NCR. Its a vault that could at end of quest be 95% intact and functional. A perfect base that only needs a few bags of concrete to fix a hole in the floor....

Vipers/jackals/legion/khans/powder gangers/various outlaws/slavers could use as a base. NCR doesn't patrol there, and aside from a deathclaw coming to close is relatively safe, it even has security (minimal admittedly) on the surface. Legion could use it as a forward base against McCarran. NCR could use it with the intention of restoring their supply lines.



Anyway point is it seems that there are a good few possibilities with both of these places. There are of course many other locations that sorta get forgotten about after the quest in that area is completed. If i was good or motivated enough in modding i'd probably try something, alas i'm not. So i thought i'd throw the idea out there.

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