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The Weapon Mod Menu


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@delamer : thanks it's fixed i just had to re-activate everything with UHUD as last and now it works fine ;p

Srr for bad english (I'm from Belgium)

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Thanks again for all of the feedback, folks. It should be ready for official upload now that I was able to fix that odd bug with HoldKey. I'll let it sit for another day or two to make sure no other bugs pop up, though. I need to come up with a logo, too... :confused:


  • Added check to keep condition percentage after modifying
  • Fixed bug with not equipping new weapon
  • Removed debug code

Edited by Pelinor
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Great mod idea, I love being able to check check a weapon and see what it supports, what with running WMX and GRA, real handy.


I've got a pretty major bug with it though, applied mods just disappear (never show up on stat page, no visual modification either).


Haven't tested with a new save yet, but just did a fresh install last night with PN+WMX+WMX DLC patches+DarnUI, had a Recharger Rifle with two mods already slapped on, WMM menu opened fine, let me removed those two mods, closed out the menu, checked to see if they got added to my inventory, they had. Then I went back to re-apply said mods, it added them in the menu, exited out, and I didn't have them on the gun, opened the WMM menu back up, and its not showing any present, checked my inventory, and they were just gone. I purchased the last remaining Mod for this weapon to see if it behaved any differently, and nope, same thing. Also, I was shooting back and forth between different saves seeing if that had any effect on the above problem, and maybe 20% of the time, after the game finished loading, I would jump into the item menu, the WMM menu would already be up, and wouldn't close out with "E".I could still select the other menu tabs, but would have to restart the game to get the WMM menu to close.


I'm thinking maybe its a Darn issue? As I think another poster said PN works fine with this mod, and the author of WMX hasn't had any problems with it. I'm kinda at a loss with this being a fresh install and all. I am running a few more mods, but nothing else that would affect (I think) menus/UI.

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I'm thinking maybe its a Darn issue? As I think another poster said PN works fine with this mod, and the author of WMX hasn't had any problems with it. I'm kinda at a loss with this being a fresh install and all. I am running a few more mods, but nothing else that would affect (I think) menus/UI.


I have DARNUI+Nevada+WMX too- nothing similar to your issues.


I'm thinking maybe its a Darn issue? As I think another poster said PN works fine with this mod, and the author of WMX hasn't had any problems with it. I'm kinda at a loss with this being a fresh install and all. I am running a few more mods, but nothing else that would affect (I think) menus/UI.


Had the same problem, but after reequipping all mods was visible as intended. Try latest version, if your bug is similar to mine- it must help you.

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Oops. It looks like I needed to recompile one of the quest stage scripts. Please download again if you got beta 5 before this was posted.


(Edit: :pinch: I just noticed it was the same file. OK... it's really the new one now.)

Edited by Pelinor
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@ Pelinor : will the bug of upgrading a 100% weapon with a weapon condition improving mod be fixed so it doesn't degrade ;) Edited by ceten
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Minor issue... Did you forget to up the version number in the Fomod? It seems it still says 0.4, and I was unsure at first if FOMM overwrote the old Fomod...


My package manager is telling me its .5, I completely unistalled the previously borked .5 before installing the latest version

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