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Brotherhood of Steel Hostile


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Hello all,


Thanks for taking a moment to try and help me out. As a caution to newer players, this thread will probably contain spoilers, so be careful before reading on.



I went into the Hidden Valley bunker to do the BoS quest "Still in the Dark", and I was attacked by all the BoS guards and essential NPCs (McNamara, et. al). I was not wearing faction armor, nor have I ever stolen from them, hacked any of their stuff, broken in, or killed any NPCs in that faction. I'm not sure why they are suddenly hostile towards me. I don't think it is a mod issue, as I have not installed any mods since I last interacted with them when they were hostile.


Can you give me any suggestions on what to do? Possibly console commands? I tried using the setreputation and setally/setenemy commands, but they didn't do anything. They even attack me when I have Veronica with me, which set off the "bug" alarm in my mind.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Hello Jim,


I did indeed try that. I fixed the problem however, in a sense. I reloaded all my old saves until I found one before the problem started and just kept playing from there. Not really an elegant solution, but after trying everything I could think of, it was the last thing I could think to try.

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