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Need help learning to mod


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Hi, This is my first attempt in modding a program. I really want to modify Oblivion to add all this extra content but have no clue how to go about it. I have the Oblivion Mod manager downloaded and ive tried to download 2 mods already but i have no idea how to apply them on the mod manager so that i can apply them to the game. Please help, I'll be eternally grateful. :happy:
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This thread will get you started ... How To Install Plugins/Mods. Do yourself a favour before you even start trying to install mods and answer a few questions.


1) Did you install the game in the default location? By this I mean when you first put the disk in and the installer ran did you change the directory (folder) that the game installed to. If you installed to C:\Program Files and are running either Windows 7 or Vista you will run into problems with the Microsoft security feature UAC (User Account Control). If so here's a link to a guide on uninstalling the game and re-installing the game outside of UAC's clutches (Oblivion reinstall procedure).


2) How patient are you? Seems a funny thing to ask, but it's pretty common here to see people want to have everything shiny all a once. The time they thought they'd save by installing a whole bunch of mods at once is spent three times over trying to get the game to even run (or run smoothly). There are a lot of new concepts to learn. The game expects different types of game files to be in certain places. The smallest error will result in problems. Before you start adding mods to your game start reading mod descriptions and installation instructions. Then pick some simple mods to get you started, perhaps some new armor (not an armor replacer ... if you read the mod descriptions you'll get an idea that some mods add new content to the game while others replace existing content with new resources). By installing some simple to troubleshoot mods first you'll start getting familiar with how mods are installed and where the different files go.


3) Are you good at reading? There is no more valuable skill than using other people's mistakes for you own benefit. If you are interested in a mod read through the mod comments section. Get a feel for the type of problems others have run into and how well the mod author and other users of the mod support it. I personally tend to wait for a while before installing the latest and greatest stuff. Let someone else run headlong into the wall. Do it long enough and maybe you'll be the one helping them get back up.

Edited by Striker879
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I cannot create the archive because the Obmm wont run as adminstrative program but runs as a limited user one. Yet, on my computer i run as the administrator and im running on windows 7 not vista. :wallbash: Edited by kioleesh
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I cannot create the archive because the Obmm wont run as adminstrative program but runs as a limited user one. Yet, my on my computer i run as the administrator and im running on windows 7 not vista. :wallbash:


Right clicking OBMM icon and hitting run as admin doesn't work?

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Once installed, the HGEC bodies are the only bodies you will get for the female, you won't get the vanilla ones anymore. With that in mind, you might take a look around to find a mod that changes the vanilla clothes and armor to fit the HGEC bodies so your toon will look like you want it to when it isn't neked. :)
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