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Any word on what mesh format Skyrim will use?


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Since it's their own engine, and not Net Immerse Gamebryo anymore, it stands to reason they won't use .nif files. I don't mod any other games, so I have no clue what's normal.


Of course, that's probably a trade secret at this point, but I'm asking just in case.

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Since it's their own engine, and not Net Immerse Gamebryo anymore, it stands to reason they won't use .nif files. I don't mod any other games, so I have no clue what's normal.


Of course, that's probably a trade secret at this point, but I'm asking just in case.


Actually, it doesn't stand to reason, as they already said a couple months back that they're still using the .nif format. :P

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They will still use NIF, they've stated it somewhere in an article. Mainly because of the support of the community has for nif.

To remove the confusion. They are still somewhat using Gamebryo but just heavily rewritten the shader, render and almost all other engines that it barely looks similar to what it looked like with oblivion and fallout,

As they've changed so much they gave it a new name/dabbed it a new engine. In essence however, it is still build upon it and not totally brand new. (Anyway, what is brand new anyway, nothing...everything is build upon something)

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(Anyway, what is brand new anyway, nothing...everything is build upon something)


Exactly. I doubt many know that the overly re-used Call of Duty (or IW) engine is actually a based of old IdTech (Quake III engine), but has been re-written over so much that it's actually "their own engine" now. :P

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Good. I'm glad they're using .nifs even though they're a pain to get working properly at first. :tongue:


Does anyone know if the Skyrim CS will have the ability to import meshes into the land editor to be sculpted in 3D, instead of dealing with pesky heightmaps that don't render out in the final game at the same amount of detail you had in the CS. :wallbash:

Edited by Megatarius
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I've got a hunch it'll be very, very close to the format used in New Vegas.

so... the fallout 3 one.

since the only real difference between fallout 3 and NV was esm tags.

i suppose if they do that the skeleton difference won't be a headache, sucks if you want to port oblivion stuff though.

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