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Bruma House Mods not taking effect?


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One of the three(?) mods you named, "Better Bruma House for Sale", claims you still have to buy the furniture. Did you buy the furniture? :unsure:

No, it wasn't the furniture. Thanks a lot for trying to help, but I think I'm just going to write it off for now... I'm not going to do a reinstall of my entire build just for this. There are other cozy places to hang out with my companions. ;)

Edited by Nebulancer
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Have you tried deactivating Open Better Cities Bruma already just to try out if your mod's working then?


I could imagine those mods introduce a "new" interior cell for the house and alter the outside door to link to the new cell. This alteration though will have no effect on the external worldspace cell of any "Open" cities mods. We're talking of two different cells here after all, and those house mods, if any, only alter the wrong one... without compatibility patches for use with Open cities mods, that is.


But I'm just guessing here, as I don't know those mods or what they're doing. Though conflicts with the "Open" cities mods would be the first thing to look into for me.

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Have you tried deactivating Open Better Cities Bruma already just to try out if your mod's working then?


I could imagine those mods introduce a "new" interior cell for the house and alter the outside door to link to the new cell. This alteration though will have no effect on the external worldspace cell of any "Open" cities mods. We're talking of two different cells here after all, and those house mods, if any, only alter the wrong one... without compatibility patches for use with Open cities mods, that is.


But I'm just guessing here, as I don't know those mods or what they're doing. Though conflicts with the "Open" cities mods would be the first thing to look into for me.

No, I haven't tried that yet. I remember OBC being finicky to get working when I first installed it, and I'm too lazy to do that again. One of the mods, "Better Bruma House" has a patch for Better Cities (tried with it and without it), but it doesn't help for Open Better Cities apparently.


But yeah, no big deal on the house, I've moved on already, lol.

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Another nice house in Bruma that's companion friendly is Thrysryn Reside by AgentMalder. The only issue that pertains to your load order that I'm aware of is some boulders that Better Cities puts to one side of the door.
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I wasn't suggesting deinstallation, just disabling the one plugin for a load and then see if you get into the right house via the entrance door in the interior Bruma cell. If you don't save and then enable the plugin again after your testing, your savegames won't even notice it was deactivated inbetween. Granted, as doors become saved in your savegames you could also encounter some wild doors connected to Open Better Cities or something when trying to enter interior Bruma, or get into trouble when loading a game from within Open Bruma with Open Better Cities disabled, but still nothing serious as the glitches will not persist if you don't save.


Guessing became knowledge now by the way, as I checked the plugins in the CS and it is exactly like I told, at least for Side's Bruma House For Sale. They create a new interior cell for their house and modify the entrance door "in the interior Bruma cell" to go to the new cell. Thus this mod has no effect on the city cells from any Open cities mods and the doors you find in these cities will still lead into the Vanilla house cell.


Better Bruma House though modifies the Vanilla interior house cell directly, so the conflict should be within Open Better Cities Bruma, if it doesn't lead into the correct house. But I didn't take a look into that one, yet.


But whatever, as you already moved on, this is only nice-to-know information or for future reference anymore anyways. :sweat:

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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No problem. There's some cheat items in a chest I tried to get AgentMalder to remove, but it's an easy thing to just drop them off in a respawning chest somewhere if you don't want them. Just had a look through my beta test notes and I believe that all chests are non-respawning. If I get a chance I'll fire up the CS and have a quick look to confirm.


- Edit - Confirmed that none of the containers are set to respawn.

Edited by Striker879
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