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Replacing Pip Light w/Toggle Chameleon Device


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I almost never use the light from the Pip-Boy. Instead, I use the power armor helmet light, road flares or glowsticks. These feel more natural to me.


Enough nonsense! The gist:

-I want to give a mask item a toggled chameleon function.

-When the mask is not equipped, the Pip-Boy light functions normally.

-When the mask is equipped, the Pip-Boy light will not function.

-The chameleon effect persists until toggled off, or the mask is unequipped.

This means I would be invisible while standing, moving and even sprinting.


As a reference, the mask I want to give this functionality to is the GITS visor from this mod:



Honestly, as in over my head as I may be, this feels within reach. If anyone could help me figure out where to start, it would be much appreciated.


I can already make a few assumptions:

-The mask itself may be irrelevant. If this mod is simply combining and altering certain functions, then the end result will still be just a function. That function then gets applied to any desired item.


-If I study the similar functions (the Pip-Boy light itself, the PB-to-PA light swap, stealth boys), I might be able to patchwork this together.


Side-note: Sorry if I seem all over the place. I tend to get excited with new ideas. If you need me to clarify anything, lemme know.



Edit 0814

I've discovered two entries that may lead to disabling the Pipboy light, though they have me confused.

1. ID: PipboyLightOverride_DO, Object: defaultPoweArmorHeadlampLight

-Light used instead of the pipboy light if the PipboyLightOverrideKeyword is present. Used for power armor helmet light

2. ID: PipboyLightOverrideKeyword_DO, Object: PowerArmorHelmetLightOverride

-Keyword that if present on an actor specifies the actor uses the pipboy override light


Hm... I'm thinking this part relies on a script of some sort that only swaps the PB light for the helmet light. Maybe if I find the script, I can alter it to fit my needs.



Edit 0935

My search for a Pip-Boy light script failed. Perhaps I actually should focus on the item first. At least that way I'll have a basic template that I can branch off from.



Edit 1014

Keyword - PowerArmorHelmetLightOverride. I still don't know where to look for the functions behind the keywords or how any of this ties together, but if I can get access to that... I'll probably wind up at another dead end. But it's worth a shot.

Edited by xualas
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Hm. Quick q: Is this the best place to jot down progress like I have been, or would I be better off in Mod Talk or Mod Troubleshooting? I have a feeling it might be Mod Talk, but I honestly have no idea. I'm kinda working impulsively right now (which is weird, cause I'm not usually this hyper), so I don't wanna jump around and get people ticked at me.

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