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Everything posted by xualas

  1. If you had actually read it carefully, you would have noticed that the text before the comma and the text after the comma aren't saying the same thing (as I stated in my earlier post). It may not be "crystal-clear" if you merely glance at the words for a quarter second, but you should be able to figure out that the first half says the custom installer is the one you pick for choosing the application's install location. The second half mentions a default "download" location being configurable in settings, which would make zero sense for the program itself, because you would have already downloaded the program and installed it to reach the settings in the first place. Could the wording be better? Yeah, I said as much in my first post. Were there impossible instructions and/or false promises? No.
  2. Vortex does not need to be installed on the same drive as your games/mods. Example: I installed Vortex on my SSD (C:), while Fallout 4 and all my mods are on my HDD (G:). Additionally, I can understand how the wording might be a bit off, but let's take a look at what it says right now: "One-click installer. This is the preferred way of installing Vortex." and: "Custom installer. This installer lets you pick the install location (affects only the application itself, download and install location default to c: and can be changed via settings in both versions). Use only if you know what you're doing." Wording is an issue, but I don't think it's as terrible an issue as it's made out to be. Anyone who just takes it at a glance would assume that all means you can change where you install Vortex in both versions. However, taking a moment to consider what is actually being said gives a more accurate idea. "This installer lets you pick the install location." = Means the other one doesn't. "(affects only the application itself," = Means non-Vortex-specific files are handled differently. "download and install location [of mods] default to c:" = This is the weak point, where I've added the needed info in brackets. "and can be changed via settings in both versions)." = With the added info, it's now 100% clear this is referring to mod paths and not Vortex. Especially after it was implied the other version of Vortex didn't support a custom install path. As for "installation of the configurable-install version is strongly discouraged by wording such as 'do this only if you know what you are doing.'" - That is there because many people will go in blindly, assuming it works the same, then complain if/when it doesn't. That kind of wording is meant for people who may not have the experience or patience for troubleshooting. An often underestimated first line of defense against bug reports that aren't actually about bugs, etc. Of course, this warning doesn't always work, but it works enough times to be worth having it. If anything, I would probably have the file description for the preferred version be re-worded to... "One-click installer. This is the preferred way of installing Vortex. Choose this installer to install Vortex in the default (C:\...) location. Mod download and installation paths default to (C:\...) and are configurable in both versions." And the file description for the custom installer re-worded to... "Custom Installer. Use only if you know what you are doing. Choose this installer to pick your own Vortex installation location. Mod download and installation paths default to (C:\...) and are configurable in both versions." Granted, I'm a nobody, but I managed to understand exactly what was being presented to me when I chose to download, install and use Vortex.
  3. Pretty much the same situation with me. Win7, just re-installed Fallout 4 and decided to have a look at Vortex. Haven't done much more with it than downloading mods and figuring out the interface so far, but that's beside the point. Opened Task Manager to check on things (I'm paranoid, so I do that a lot) and saw there are 77 instances of Vortex.exe. It doesn't appear that any of them are actually working the CPU, and they're all practically identical when it comes to memory use (>50K~<200K private working / ~1160K commit). Dunno if that extra bit of info is relevant, but might as well mention it. Edit: Upon further investigating, it looks like everything works as I assume is intended until something gets downloaded. -I can open and close Vortex numerous times without anything being left behind. -I can swap between Fallout 4 and Skyrim SE repeatedly without anything being left behind for anything more than a second or so. -I can drag/drop locally stored mods into Vortex without anything being left behind. But then -When I download something from Nexus straight to Vortex ("Mod Manager Download" button), a process is created and left behind. This is repeated for every item downloaded, adding one process every time. Closing Vortex after this does not remove the processes.
  4. I can dig it. But I think the reason it didn't work on you was pretty obvious. The PeasantPult only peasantpults peasants, and you are not a peasant. I'd say it's a good sign that you can't be launched. As for Preston, however... You gave the Peasant King attention, which ended up with him having an imaginary throne in the sky for him to be seen by more people. Should've taken away his essential status and planted a nade in his pocket before launching him.
  5. Yeah, if it's possible, that sounds like the way to go. I'm definitely building this for personal use first, just to see if it even works. Hopefully it won't be a lovely mess of convoluted crap. After that, I figure out what went into it and get permissions as needed. Of course, inspiration never gets enough credit. Hm. Instead of an aid item, I could make a perk or a craftable mod that would function in the same way. If I did that, I wouldn't have to include an "equipped item" check, because the perk/mod would be applied to the mask anyway. Bah. I need to just start simple and only refine once I actually have something working.
  6. Ah. I wasn't aware of that being a thing. I'm definitely interested, from how they explain it in the description. I'm still trying to get my head around everything at this point, but every fresh start has to build momentum. I just have a habit of wanting to fly before I can walk. XD
  7. Thanks for the response. Honestly, I just felt like tab would be most "convenient", or natural. None of the other nearby buttons were available, except maybe x or z, and I can't remember if those even have... huh. X is auto-walk, and Z is open. Maybe I can swap auto-walk to Z and have X available for activating this?
  8. I'm a nub at actually making mods, so I'm getting nowhere with this. I'd really appreciate some advice or whatever help I can get. What I'm trying to do: I want a mask item with the chameleon effect. The effect needs to toggle on and persist until toggled off or unequipped. (So, invisible sprinting, jumping, etc.) The effect needs to override the Pip-Boy light. When I equip the mask, I hold TAB to activate stealth. I run around, doing stupid invisible crap for thirty years. I hold TAB to de-activate stealth. I unequip the mask and hold TAB to activate the Pip-Boy light. I know overriding the Pip-Boy light is possible, because the power armor headlamps swap the omni-directional Pip-Boy light for the focused helmet light. What I don't know is... basically everything else. I remember doing petty tweaks in Morrowind and renaming NPCs in FO3, but this is... different. (I originally posted in the Mod Requests forum, but it's starting to feel like Mod Talk was better suited for this. The original topic: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4470190-replacing-pip-light-wtoggle-chameleon-device/
  9. Hm. Quick q: Is this the best place to jot down progress like I have been, or would I be better off in Mod Talk or Mod Troubleshooting? I have a feeling it might be Mod Talk, but I honestly have no idea. I'm kinda working impulsively right now (which is weird, cause I'm not usually this hyper), so I don't wanna jump around and get people ticked at me.
  10. I almost never use the light from the Pip-Boy. Instead, I use the power armor helmet light, road flares or glowsticks. These feel more natural to me. Enough nonsense! The gist: -I want to give a mask item a toggled chameleon function. -When the mask is not equipped, the Pip-Boy light functions normally. -When the mask is equipped, the Pip-Boy light will not function. -The chameleon effect persists until toggled off, or the mask is unequipped. This means I would be invisible while standing, moving and even sprinting. As a reference, the mask I want to give this functionality to is the GITS visor from this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11647/? Honestly, as in over my head as I may be, this feels within reach. If anyone could help me figure out where to start, it would be much appreciated. I can already make a few assumptions: -The mask itself may be irrelevant. If this mod is simply combining and altering certain functions, then the end result will still be just a function. That function then gets applied to any desired item. -If I study the similar functions (the Pip-Boy light itself, the PB-to-PA light swap, stealth boys), I might be able to patchwork this together. Side-note: Sorry if I seem all over the place. I tend to get excited with new ideas. If you need me to clarify anything, lemme know. ----- Edit 0814 I've discovered two entries that may lead to disabling the Pipboy light, though they have me confused. 1. ID: PipboyLightOverride_DO, Object: defaultPoweArmorHeadlampLight -Light used instead of the pipboy light if the PipboyLightOverrideKeyword is present. Used for power armor helmet light 2. ID: PipboyLightOverrideKeyword_DO, Object: PowerArmorHelmetLightOverride -Keyword that if present on an actor specifies the actor uses the pipboy override light Hm... I'm thinking this part relies on a script of some sort that only swaps the PB light for the helmet light. Maybe if I find the script, I can alter it to fit my needs. ----- Edit 0935 My search for a Pip-Boy light script failed. Perhaps I actually should focus on the item first. At least that way I'll have a basic template that I can branch off from. ----- Edit 1014 Keyword - PowerArmorHelmetLightOverride. I still don't know where to look for the functions behind the keywords or how any of this ties together, but if I can get access to that... I'll probably wind up at another dead end. But it's worth a shot.
  11. I don't really remember what NMM was like back in December (I just have bad memory sometimes), but I'm pretty sure this needs to be re-worded. People experienced with Bethesda games and modding will generally know what to do, and since all of the suggestions are pretty standard, it would appear to me this is intended for the modding newbies out there. One thing you always have to consider for them is how you word things. The title: "Crash To Desktop (CTD) Cure-All" is misleading. It sounds like an absolute solution to any CTD they might have, which is just not the case. There are engine and hardware issues that could cause a CTD and none of that was addressed in the original post. The "step-by-step": 1. Okay. 2. You neglected to mention which tab the user should be in. "Plugins" or "Mods". You do say to click each "mod", but the user may not be paying attention to the tab they are in. 3. The game may have a different path. Instead, direct the user to NMM's folder icon along the top, have them click it and click "Open Game Folder". From there they can open the Data folder. 4. This is the biggest mistake here, where you instruct the user to "delete anything else", which they will take to mean _everything_. When they do that, they'll also be deleting things like the following (some of which I know was released after you posted this): Fallout4.esm Fallout4.cdx Fallout4 - Geometry.csg DLCRobot.esm DLCRobot.cdx DLCRobot - Geometry.csg DLCworkshop01.esm DLCworkshop01.cdx DLCworkshop01 - Geometry.csg DLCCoast.esm DLCCoast.cdx DLCCoast - Geometry.csg ... and a whole bunch of .ba2 files needed by the game. 5-8. These are all pretty standard steps. So you see what I mean when I say you have to consider how you word things? Don't get me wrong, I know you're just trying to help people by sharing your experience. However, the proof is in the posts. Also: -People may not know what FOMM is. As of January, FO4MM has ended support and users are encouraged to use either NMM or Mod Organizer. In regards to load order sorting, LOOT is up and running. -Nothing wrong with the sleep thing. I just think it's funny how the last time I slept to reset anything was 3 days for shops and corpses in Morrowind. Anyway, like I said. I'm not trying to get after you or anything. It's just that even helpers need help sometimes.
  12. It's easy enough to type "Mateba" into Google, but whatever. I'm a fan of the thing, too. http://i.imgur.com/6RBDgu1.jpg
  13. Oh man. This actually sounds like an awesome idea. I have no idea where I would wanna have one, but it would probably be run against the docks west of the airport. I don't know how the back and forth would go, but it'd be really cool to have a full sized deck to build on. Especially if we could craft shipping containers and stack them for a very modular feel. And I've seen the FMS Northern Star. It's good, but it's not the scale I'm looking for. I dig the container ships that stack their containers 15-20 wide, side by side. If I could get something like that, I'd have a permanent base that would be used by any and every character I'd ever make.
  14. Well, it gets split kinda weird. By default, walking/running are toggled via Caps Lock and sprinting is activated through shift. "Walking" - Feels solid to me as a casual, "not in a hurry" pace. It could have more credit toward being stealthy, though. "Running" - As a middleground between walking and sprinting, this could be maybe just a tad faster, but it works for what it is. Any slower, though, and it would be called jogging. "Sprinting" - I'm not entirely sure how this translates to a brisk walk to you, unless your footsteps are 8 feet apart or something. Either way, could be a little faster. I was thinking you just confused running and sprinting, but running doesn't use AP unless you're overencumbered. As for your changes: 1. "Always run" is an option in the settings menu, or you can use Caps Lock to switch between walking/running. 2. Stealth is what crouching is for, though I agree it should get more functionality in reducing your chance of being detected. 3. I can agree with this. 4. Running doesn't require AP, but sprinting does. If I've misunderstood you, I apologize.
  15. Yeah, I'd like the option. And I can assume it would take a bit of work. Gotta make the pose itself, as well as animating to it from standing/crouching, and from it to standing/crouching. And there would be several prone poses based on what kind of weapon you're using. Custom animations for swapping or reloading while prone for each type of weapon. If you wanna be able to crawl while prone, there's more animation, as well as scripting movement speed, etc. There would have to be a key or other control to activate or deactivate the stance. It wouldn't make sense to let people in power armor go prone, so that would have to be limited. All that being said, I'm not a modder, so I have no real knowledge what goes into this. But if I'm right about that stuff, then yeah. Going prone is probably a long way off. Here's hoping, though!
  16. Lisnpuppy: It baffles me that I couldn't see those differences after all this time debating the terms. That was an excellent breakdown, to which you have my thanks. I actually feel rather silly now that I understand what was being said. DrakeTheDragon: There was an article back in February regarding the site redesign, though no mention of reworking the TOS. If it is being reworked, though, then with what has been discussed, I hope this topic helped shine light on something that can be cleared up in whatever they put out next. I know things I bring up may seem petty in the grand scheme, and they usually are, but I figure if there's something that doesn't make sense to me, there might be ten, twenty, or a thousand other people just as confused as I am. So it's better to speak up and get to the heart of things. And since I've greatly enjoyed visiting the Nexus (ever since it was TESSource), I tend to worry about any little thing that might give you guys hiccups or worse. "For Want of a Nail" right? So it's hard for me to let things go without a solid conclusion. Of course, as I mentioned, it all makes sense now, so I'm happy. Many thanks to all who responded. Edit: Ninja'd by SirSalami. Thanks for the update and the hard work. Know that if I ever strike it rich, you guys are on my list. :P
  17. Huh... That only makes me more confused. I understand that the TOS is a privately constructed framework of rules. However, if there is no "legal requirement", that brings me back to wondering why there are two catch-all points in the same place? "... or remove it completely without warning or [catch-all] [catch-all]." Both "or reason" and "at their own discretion" are used as group descriptors, specifically to cover any potential circumstances not uniquely mentioned. Much like ordering coffee, the cup would have a label that says, "Warning: The contents inside this cup are very hot." Now imagine the label says, "Warning: The contents inside and within this cup are very hot." The message itself hasn't changed, because "inside" and "within" mean the same thing. Most would assume use of either to be suitable, but not usually both. That's where I'm at with this. The inclusion of a catch-all term is perfectly understood. However, the inclusion of multiple, synonymous catch-all terms in the same space when not required by law is not understood. I should make sure to clarify that my understanding of the statement in full is not hindered by the current phrasing in question. I only wish to understand how the included terms are necessary, and if they are found not to be, how the terms may be altered for optimal clarity.
  18. From the way I understand it, the inclusion of "or reason" is required legalese to make sure the Nexus is covered under any possible circumstance. You have either: -Group descriptor to cover all -Individual descriptor to cover each Either way, you need something to protect you from a legal standpoint. In this case, option 2 would require unreasonable effort and foresight, so option 1 is the most logical. However illogical it may seem, the law tends to stand on redundancy. If that's how it is here, then they're simply using two legal catch-all terms to reduce the possibility of loophole abuse.
  19. Man, this is one reason I would never want to handle a business like the Nexus. I mean, you guys are doing a fantastic job, but frig if I don't envy the legalese side of things. So even though "or reason" is redundant, that redundancy is needed for the sake of technicalities. It's dumb, but I get it. If only people weren't such opportunistic loophole seekers, TOS docs could be so much simpler. "Terms of Service: Yeah, uh... Be nice, keep things organized and enjoy sharing stuff, I guess." Haha. That would be the life, eh? Oh, also, in regards to the Supporter Image section, is the only difference the allowance of nudity? From the way it's described, it sounds like there's more to it than that. I just wanna make sure I understand it. Lastly (completely off-topic): I noticed you guys are closing in on 11 million members. Congratulations. ^^
  20. Well, when I read things like this, I section them out to see if they make sense at the core. So here's how I tested it: remove it completely without warning or reason at their own discretion. remove it without warning or reason. remove it without warning. remove it without reason. The content is fine, but it's the context that bothers me in that last line. I would assume there actually is a reason for something to be removed, but to not be provided a reason for it doesn't sound fair. Now, since Dark0ne confirmed it as a catch-all, I'm actually starting to wonder if "or reason" is really necessary. When that is paired with "at their own discretion", it becomes a redundant statement, since both parts are there for the same reason - to cover situations that are too numerous and/or complex to simplify into a reasonable space. A catch-all. To have it say, "... remove it completely without warning, at their own discretion." That tells me they have a reason of some sort, but they don't have to tell me about it before the mod gets removed. It gets the point across perfectly.
  21. Ah. Understood, then. I still think there could be a better word than "reason", but I'm sure you guys have put a lot more thought into it than I have, so it probably makes more sense than I realize. Either way, thanks for the response.
  22. I became a Supporter somewhat recently and wanted to know a bit more about the Supporter Image section. "Supporter-only Image Share section An image share section for Supporters only. The terms and conditions for this section are different and more open and liberal than the normal image share section." http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/users/supporter/? There was no link to these "different" Supporter terms and conditions, so I checked in full Terms and Conditions. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules Decided to read through it all. Under "Uploading files and images": "Nexus staff reserve the right to edit details relating to your file (but not the uploaded files themselves) or remove it completely without warning or reason at their own discretion." Searched the forums for "without warning or reason", but no topics directly referenced "or reason". I understand the owners of the Nexus have every right to handle it as they see fit, and I have no problem with that. It just seems strange to leave something so... vague? Catch-all? Like I could publish a mod that follows all of the rules, but any staff member could just walk by and delete the whole thing on a whim, and if I ask the staff why it was removed, "Eh, no reason" could be seen as an acceptable answer. Obviously, I'm not trying to say the Nexus staff are careless or inconsiderate like that. If they were, I wouldn't have become a supporter in the first place. I'm simply wondering what the inclusion of "or reason" really means. Thank you for your time, and if this was posted in the wrong section, I apologize.
  23. Simple: "Ghost in the Shell" mods. I understand the rules call for only asking about mods that I know exist, so I'm only asking about the GITS outfit on the right in particular: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=25694 However, it would be fantastic if someone not only knew of that outfit, but also of anything else GITS-related. Kusanagi and/or Batou are preferred, but I'll take what I can get. :P Rather seems strange to me that more hasn't been made (at least publicly) as I'm sure there's gotta be some Fallout modders who have big interest in Ghost in the Shell. Thanks for your time, and if anything good comes up, well... I'm engaged, so I can only almost love you, but I'll almost love you a lot! :D
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