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Keyboard/Mouse vs Xbox controller


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Either keyboard+mouse or ps3 controller, depending on how dual wielding works well for keyboad+mouse or not. (I don't like the xbox controller since it feels really uncomfertable in my hands)

-and before anyone accuses me of being a ps3 fan, the only console I currently own is a wii (that has collected dust since twilight princess was released)

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I'm still debating between getting a cored or wireless since I'll be at my computer so I don't need a wireless but just so I don't have so many cords and junk.


If you use the Microsoft rechargeable battery, you'll have to charge the batteries on the wireless controller on a regular basis, which means it'll be plugged in part of the time. It's either that or replace with regular batteries every once in awhile.


I'd rather not hassle with it, so I just use a wired controller when it comes to my PC.

Edited by xaliqen
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I'm gonna use my controller .. but Ive talked to enough people about this that Ive started to get the types out there .. you have either grown use to the keyboard mouse layout and don't feel right using a controller .. or your playing a fast action shooter and need the slight edge the mouse/keyboard offer .. Ive been playing on both for years almost 50/50 and I just find with modern games designed for the 360 remote the controls feel much more fluid .. but if a game is designed for PC like the sims/civ5/certain shooters/every MMO .. the m/k have been made a must for their complexity... Skyrim has clearly been developed with the 360 in mind.
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