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Keyboard/Mouse vs Xbox controller


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That's an original Xbox... not even a 360 :whistling:

You're going to play Skyrim on the original XBOX? ;)

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Meh, hotkeying won't be too much of an advantage of using k/m imo. With the addition of the favorites menu, I think hotkeying will become close to pointless unless you don't like stopping the game for a quick selection (it's all about immersion with Skyrim, I guess). Nevertheless, I will try both the 360 controller and the keyboard/mouse and see how I like them.
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Meh, hotkeying won't be too much of an advantage of using k/m imo. With the addition of the favorites menu, I think hotkeying will become close to pointless unless you don't like stopping the game for a quick selection (it's all about immersion with Skyrim, I guess). Nevertheless, I will try both the 360 controller and the keyboard/mouse and see how I like them.

My impression is that hotkeys don't just represent single items, they represent loadouts; so, if you want to switch quickly from Sword/Shield to Magic/Magic, you can do that without having to: open favorites, select right hand, select left hand, close favorites, use those weapons, open favorites to switch back...ad nauseum. I think two-handed and bow users that still want to use magic would be happy about that, too!


In the end, though, I think their usefulness will depend heavily on the equipment needs of each character build.

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How do you manage to play with both?


The same way anybody would, by using keyboard and mouse, and then switching to a controller when I feel like it.

Thought you meant at the same time! Motherfu**er has fast reflexes :thumbsup:


Heh, no. I drink a fair amount of coffee, but not enough to keep up with that.

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That's an original Xbox... not even a 360 :whistling:

You're going to play Skyrim on the original XBOX? ;)

That's a great idea...it's like Morrowind 2.0! Just turn all NPC's into blocky, cardboard-cutout people again.


Actually the first time I heard about Skyrim was last December was when a mate tipped me off about "Morrowind 3 or something?" I still make fun out of him for it.

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Mouse and keyboard, as I despise the sloooow unprecise robotic steering with analog sticks and limited amount of buttons. Gamepads are retarded for firstperson-games.
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So for attacking with dual wield does that mean that you'll right click for right handed attack and left click for left hand attack?

Yes, though you can customize it so the left click is right hand and right click is left hand.

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