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People be hatin' on Bethesda mon...


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The whole lawsuit is a joke exposing ridicolus copyright laws - How can you copyright a noun?

It would be like Blizzard copyrighting "World" because it's in World of Warcraft

more like Warcraft acutally


Blizzard owns the trademark for the original Warcraft games. More like a game called Duty from Call of Duty.

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The whole lawsuit is a joke exposing ridicolus copyright laws - How can you copyright a noun?

It would be like Blizzard copyrighting "World" because it's in World of Warcraft

more like Warcraft acutally


Blizzard owns the trademark for the original Warcraft games. More like a game called Duty from Call of Duty.


yea .. people keep using bad example that don't really represent the real legal battle at hand .. calling a game "world" and getting sued by world of warcraft is just plain silly .. scrolls is a term that many fans of TES refer to the series by.

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The whole lawsuit is a joke exposing ridicolus copyright laws - How can you copyright a noun?

It would be like Blizzard copyrighting "World" because it's in World of Warcraft

more like Warcraft acutally


Blizzard owns the trademark for the original Warcraft games. More like a game called Duty from Call of Duty.


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Actually, the most riduculous thing is, that if Bethesda didn't brough this up with the army of lawyers, Scrolls and TES would both exist and noone would ever miskake one for the other or see any connection between the two.


But hey, hard to pass by and say nothing, there's money to be ...mined at the court :rolleyes:

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This clearly is only for money. The amount Zenimax is suing Mojang for is absurd. And as stated before, Mojang offered to give up the name anyways. Really doesn't put Zenimax in a nice light here whether people like it or not. I don't think Zenimax's case will hold up in court. Edited by shiftyoliver
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It's weird because Game Informer had a video where Notch and Todd Howard talked to each other about each other's games and they seemed to get along quite well. I don't know if the video was before or after the Scrolls issue started or if they talked about it because I didn't watch the whole thing, but I still would find it very odd if it really was for personal reasons.
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This clearly is only for money. The amount Zenimax is suing Mojang for is absurd. And as stated before, Mojang offered to give up the name anyways. Really doesn't put Zenimax in a nice light here whether people like it or not. I don't think Zenimax's case will hold up in court.


they offered to give up the trademark not stop using the name .. there is a big difference .. I'm not saying this isnt a stupid lawsuit but its not about money at all.


btw .. when its about money its normally the smaller guy suing the big guy .. bethesda is ten times bigger off than mojang and has no reason to want their money.

Edited by jedimembrain
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btw .. when its about money its normally the smaller guy suing the big guy .. bethesda is ten times better off than mojang and has no reason to want their money.


Well, see, that's the problem here, most people just believe, that bacause they do good games and have "cool" people who show in public, the whole company is nice. Well, it doesn't work like that. This IS about money and / or showing claws. If it was really just about the name, they would be content with request for renaming, not asking for not-exactly-small amount of money for harm that doesn't exist.

And actually, all is about making money. They do not do anything to make you happy because they are really good natured people.


But I believe the point is, that if you can sue and perhaps win aginst someone using one commonnly used noun from the 3-word name of your product, we are in for a big problems in the future. Especially when itis clear that there were no intentions to harm. If they made Open-world RPG called Scrolls...sure, but like this... It's ridiculous, again.

Edited by elvinkun
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