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Elder Scrolls Anthology: Oblivion issues


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I'll try doing a running run through, someone on the uesp forum said try running as an administrator or in compatability mode, I should have asked there but do you know how to do that? Is it kind of like safe mode?
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Alright so I ran under native resolution as an administrator using win xp service pack 3 in compatability mode. Game starts great but slows down progressively. Usually takes about 5-7 minutes depending on how much stuff is going on. Slows way down when you start following with the emperor. I also moved the files to a Games folder rather than under program files. I'm thinking next I'll install it under an X drive that I think I may have partitioned awhile ago but don't remember.
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I'll also try setting the affinity to two cpu's as I heard it runs better on two than one(do you agree?) i'm not sure how to set priority as I've heard that can help, I'll also check to see if I can quit some programs that may be running in the background.
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Alright so I ran under native resolution as an administrator using win xp service pack 3 in compatability mode. Game starts great but slows down progressively. Usually takes about 5-7 minutes depending on how much stuff is going on. Slows way down when you start following with the emperor. Changing affinity doesn't seem to be helping. Under task manager, cpu usage is anywhere from 2-21%, Oblivion takes .1-.5 %, memory usage is 60% or 1.2 gb out of 2 with oblivion using 205.3 mb. Disc usage seems to go from either 0% to 100% usually one or the other for a few moments at a time. It seems like as soon as I go back to the game from task manager it crashes pretty quickly even when running nice right after I start. Thanks again for yo
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The game doesn't do well with task switching, so the switches to Task Manager may be enough to bunch up it's shorts.


Something that has occurred to me is how some people are affected by sounds in the game (particularly feet sounds).


The test to see if that is indeed all or part of the problem is relatively simple. In Oblivion.ini (found in Users\[username]\ Documents\My Games\Oblivion not Oblivion_Default.ini found in the Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion folder) find the entry bSoundEnabled (should be in the [Audio] section) and change it to bSoundEnabled=0 (should be bSoundEnabled=1 beforehand).


What this does is disables all sound effects but not the music. If this stops the crashing then the next step is to check bDSoundHWAcceleration (should be at the top of the [Audio] section). If you have bDSoundHWAcceleration=1 change it to bDSoundHWAcceleration=0 and switch bSoundEnabled back to bSoundEnabled=1 and run another test.


I'm guessing your machine doesn't have an actual sound card but just uses an on-board sound chip (which works by just shifting the sound processing over to the CPU and RAM).


I'm that old Win XP dinosaur so I don't have much more than cursory knowledge about changing the CPU affinities. My old Core2 Duo is a dual CPU chip and I have made some of the Oblivion.ini tweaks mentioned in the Oblivion Tweakguide to try to get the game using both CPUs as much as possible. I think the main advantage of having more than one CPU with this game is that those background tasks can be run on the extra idle CPUs, but I very seldom have anything more than necessary running in the background when playing (and even then it's usually just one or two instances of Windows Explorer open to folders on my Data drive and game drive when I'm working on something ... almost never something like an internet browser).

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Alright, I turned off bloom and clicked none, turned off vsync which seems to have helped, changed that value to 0 in the ini file after changing the correct file to OblivionBU.ini. Could still hear sound effects while playing the game, could that mean it's going off that default ini file, the one you told me not to alter, rather than the oblivionbu one that I altered? it started to slow down and I saved and quit because I still heard sound effects. Edited by Ovennamedheats
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The only time the game uses Oblivion_Default.ini is when it can't find Oblivion.ini and needs to build a new one (first time you install and start the game and any time you rename Oblivion.ini ... one of the ways to get a new one).


So if you made a copy of Oblivion.ini and named it OblivionBU.ini but then edited Oblivion.ini you were getting it right ... if you renamed Oblivion.ini to OblivionBU.ini and then edited OblivionBU.ini what happened when you started the game is it simply created a new Oblivion.ini (and by default bSoundEnabled=1).


Turning Bloom and HDR off is the right thing to do for troubleshooting. The idea is get the game working and then slowly turn stuff back on until you break it again ... fun eh?


Something I ran across elsewhere ... you said you used Avast, and when you follow the link to the BLODA list in this post in the Oblivion Reloaded mod comments low and behold, there is Avast listed (suggests to disable FILESYSTEM and BEHAVIOR realtime shields). All I can tell you is that Ilde has probably forgotten more about the workings of the game than I have ever known. Another avenue to explore anyway.

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Well Thanks for all the help you have offered. I think I'm gonna take a break from the Oblivion before I end up jumping out the window. Going to try Morrowind for a little bit. Are you familiar at all with the Morroblivion mod? Any suggestions? One other thing regarding Oblivion, should I use the Nexus mod manager or the Oblivion mod manager whenI get to that point?
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Sorry I keep adding separate posts but regarding the ini files, why do you make a copy of the oblivion.ini and rename it oblivionbu.ini thus having 3 separate files or am I missing something?
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Nevermind, forget it, might as well solve one issue at a time. I'll just stick with Oblivion for now and try the things you suggested. Are there any mods I could install that actually might help with the issues I'm experiencing or must I first narrow it down to what the problem is.
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