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Fallout 3 Crashing - Mods Installed

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I have FOSE installed, and when I launch its exe and click New, it tries to load, then says something caused the game to stop working correctly. I'm running the game on Windows 10 x64, and its the Steam Version

Load Order : (When LOOT has its way)

0 Fallout3.esm
1 Anchorage.esm
2 ThePitt.esm
3 StreetLights.esm
4 BrokenSteel.esm
5 PointLookout.esm
6 Zeta.esm
7 CRAFT.esm
8 DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esm
9 More FORTified.esm
10 EVE.esm
11 CRAFT - Workbench and Crafting Expansion combined.esp
12 airshipfixed.esp
13 Fellout-Full.esp
14 StreetLights - Wasteland.esp
15 RRRU +4.esp
16 EnclaveHideout.esp
17 VATS Normal Weapon Degradation.esp
CRAFT - Activation Perk.esp
18 WeaponModKits.esp
19 Stealthboy Recon Armor - CRAFT.esp
20 RecieveTenpennySuite.esp
21 Disguises.esp
Alternate Start - Roleplayers.esp
22 EnclaveCommander-OA.esp
23 GreenWorld.esp
24 megalight.esp
25 Bashed Patch, 0.esp

Wrye Flash Overview after rebuilding:


• 6/1/2016 6:18:16 PM

• Elapsed Time: 0:00:00.818

Active Mods

• 00 Fallout3.esm

• 01 Anchorage.esm

• 02 ThePitt.esm

• 03 StreetLights.esm

• 04 BrokenSteel.esm

• 05 PointLookout.esm

• 06 Zeta.esm

• 07 CRAFT.esm

• 08 DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esm

• 09 More FORTified.esm

• 0A EVE.esm [Version 0.99]

• 0B CRAFT - Workbench and Crafting Expansion combined.esp

• 0C airshipfixed.esp

• 0D Fellout-Full.esp

• 0E StreetLights - Wasteland.esp

• 0F RRRU +4.esp

• 10 EnclaveHideout.esp

• 11 VATS Normal Weapon Degradation.esp

• 12 WeaponModKits.esp

• 13 Stealthboy Recon Armor - CRAFT.esp

• 14 RecieveTenpennySuite.esp

• 15 Disguises.esp

• 16 EnclaveCommander-OA.esp

• 17 GreenWorld.esp

• 18 megalight.esp

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If Steam and the game are installed in the default "Program Files" location, you will continue to have problems running the game.


You need to move the Steam folder out of "Program Files" to another location. There are instructions from Steam on how to do this. I don't have Steam, so I can't be any help there.


Do not ever use LOOT to sort Fallout 3. For some reason, LOOT cannot sort Fallout 3 mods correctly.


You can uninstall and remove StreetLights - Wasteland. This file has been included in the newest version of StreetLights. This is explained on the mod description page.

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If Steam and the game are installed in the default "Program Files" location, you will continue to have problems running the game.


You need to move the Steam folder out of "Program Files" to another location. There are instructions from Steam on how to do this. I don't have Steam, so I can't be any help there.


Do not ever use LOOT to sort Fallout 3. For some reason, LOOT cannot sort Fallout 3 mods correctly.


You can uninstall and remove StreetLights - Wasteland. This file has been included in the newest version of StreetLights. This is explained on the mod description page.

I moved my steam directory to C:/Games... successfully and correctly and teh result was negligible. My game is still crashing. I have not hand-sorted my load order outside of LOOT's parameters (again) yet, however I had done this 2-3 times prior to moving the directory.


For the sake of consideration, I feel it also bears mentioning that my computer's OS only has one User Account, which is the Administrator of Windows 10 x64, so my programs in Program Files and Program Files x64 are actually authorized with REad adn Write privileges. So I don't believe that is the issue, and I do not believe it has been an issue in all the previous times I've played and modded Bethesda games over hte last few years.


***Note: Modded is a general category that can be context-specific, and in this context, I don't actually make the mods, I just install them. :3 ***


Long story short, I don't know that fixing my load order is going to fix anything, but I did remove Streetlights - Wastelander, and I have the main mod installed, but my game is still crashing. This leads me to believe that there is one or more mods that are problem mods, and I'm hoping that someone might be able to look at my load order and see where I might be messing up, both with the order and maybe what other mods might be known to cause problems.

Edited by 7vincent7black7
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Try these steps: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1465357-installing-fallout-3-with-windows-78-and-xp/


If this does not work, the only alternative would be that your system cannot run Fallout 3.

Now that I think of it, its likely an issue with me running windows 10 that has caused the crashes. I logged onto my laptop and saw four pending notifications. They all said that fallout3.exe was a program that might not be compatible with my OS. So, I'll delete the mods, or move them out, and then validate and launch a clean install, and get back with this thread from there. :smile:




Got my game working. You were right on the money with GFWL. It was a compatibility issue, but the only problem is that my GFWL is having issues connecting even though my college network internet is running fine. So, the solution was to use this Intel HD graphics Bypass mode which worked for me. Using this has allowed me to start a new game without crashing, and teh cutscenes and such started playing without issues. So I'm gonna begin installing just the mods I know shouldn't break anything and go from there. I should respond on this thread again unless issues with mods creep up. Even then, it will be straight forward, since I'll know one of the mods doesn't work, and I can just check each one and then not use the culprit. Thanks for the help. :D




Edited by 7vincent7black7
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