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Just wanted to throw this out there, but I would love to see someone make a mod, creating a captain america set of armor and or clothing. Would love to see his shield recreated too! Would be a ton of fun knocking enemies around with Cap's shield. I love his newest costume in the movies.

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This has been done. Wish granted on both accounts. The Shield came first, thanks to the fantastic Junnari, in the mod called 'Hunt for Patriotic Shield"; and as for Captain Americas Uniform, well there is a World War II version on the Nexus. I downloaded it last week when it became a standalone. Now, I will admit, I am still hoping for the more modern uniform as first seen in the CAPTAIN AMERICA: WINTER SOLDIER movie, the one with the more midnight blue with the silver star on the chest and three silver stripes branching off from it, but..... so far I haven't had luck in my asking for someone to make that one, but yes... wearing both the uniform and shield is fun. Just hunt around in the nexus and you will find the uniform ( I just can't think of the mod name at the moment )

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