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Conflict between mods


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I read all the description of mods I added to my oblivion. However, unlike all of you pros out there, I can't be certain about the information given if there aren't updated in the first place. As been said, there are mods out there that are worrisome, yet I felt the need to get it. One of which is "Mayu's Mod" to name the few. Likely, this mod specifies that it will never be compatible to Roberts V3; even looking at the video the author provided through Youtube clearly states the answer I learned. This year, though, the author created Roberts Male Body Replacer is now V5, and I activated it already to improve my game experience - the look of my character at least. But I was wondering if Mayu's Mod can have a sure shot of success now that Robert's Mod has 2 versions upgraded. I never saw an article related to this post nor an update from the creator of Mayu's mod, so I need help.



If my post is confusing, probably because I'm an ETL - English as a Third Language.

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I think it would depend on what made the Mayu mod incompatible with Roberts v3. The differences between Roberts v3 and Roberts v52 are mainly in refining the body meshes and textures.


A tool that's useful for seeing what conflicts mods may have between one another is TES4Edit, You just load the mods you want to compare and the colour coding in the different sections will show where they conflict and how.

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