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Invasion Of China Flashback Campaign


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Only the male character was a soldier before the bombs. Women characters could not do this as a flash-back since you didn't serve in the military (women soldiers, lol, yeah right...good snipers, s*** infantry, in all fairness). Bethesda could do an "Operation: Anchorage" style? Maybe. But why even have the option to go to China? Last thing I would want to do is listen to a bunch of characters screaming in Chinese at me! Speak english damnit!

Trolling aside, an Operation: Anchorage style DLC with the invasion of China coud be really cool, but I am not sure if the US actually did invade China, I am even more uncertain if it was successful, or for how long it happened/continued/or ended. But a DLC on this could fill in some of this questions. Good idea.

Edited by Sirotnak
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The US did invade China. The yangtzee memorial in FNV was to honor the dead from that campaign. Plus there have been numerous terminal entries about power armor troops invading China. I am only speculating, but I believe China fired first in the nuclear war because the US was about to defeat them in the ground war. Edited by JackTrenton
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The US did invade China. The yangtzee memorial in FNV was to honor the dead from that campaign. Plus there have been numerous terminal entries about power armor troops invading China. I am only speculating, but I believe China fired first in the nuclear war because the US was about to defeat them in the ground war.

I figured someone would pick up on that eventually.

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I am only speculating, but I believe China fired first in the nuclear war because the US was about to defeat them in the ground war.

Actually, neither side fired first. It was all started by a cult of anarchist terrorists, who infiltrated the Chinese military, hijacked a nuke (or possibly multiple) and started the first shot, America wasn't going down without pulling the trigger on China as well, and China had no choice but to go all out nuclear launch for the same reason. Actual lore canon if I am not mistaken. Pretty sure it was a hidden piece of lore i found in FO3.

Edited by Sirotnak
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