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Everything posted by Cybervore

  1. +1 the settlemenf system needs an overhaul, and going to war with opposing settlements is a plus.
  2. Id prefer the artillery impact and explosion over the vanilla mini nuke explosion. If someone could create and upload such a mod to the nexus, I would be sure to comment and endorse you for your efforts. Thanks.
  3. It happened all of a sudden and I don't know the origin of the problem. My settlers who were working before in my settlements are hard at work, but now I cant assign even provisioners! What mods/conflicts might cause this? https://gyazo.com/5eb967dceb03f80d53bcb1b0c22ba446 https://gyazo.com/001acf9be7eaca1ec69aa0fad1c30fc8 https://gyazo.com/56f05d0d720d384c93acb80ec74afc70 https://gyazo.com/75b632fd22c8e6bdb5ccc9abb7ab4d41 https://gyazo.com/73102011c7c35214c83ca1e4f85fb495 https://gyazo.com/276e9f3b97bc6158a8ca24f341717ec1 https://gyazo.com/15d5d4fa1903912e9858f591dc083fb1 https://gyazo.com/6f9b601d124b4e3c0f55871bb8ba914d <3
  4. A quest where you can sit it the memory lounger the same way Operation: Anchorage handled it, or even a dream sequence could work. The male player's time overseas has no light shone on it, and playing as your character participating in battles and military operations from before the great war would be pretty cool. I visualize the initial invasion to be like this scene
  5. Can we mix up the faction Veritbirds up a bit? We only get to see one Gunner Vertibird and the encounter itself is very underwhelming. Implementing them into the settlement raiding system would be a plus, Also it would give us more of a reason to keep an eye towards the sky even if your player is allied with the brotherhood. Faction paints and vertibird battles would be pretty cool to see.
  6. The music, drugs, the over the top themes, and overall ambiance that makes up the 1980's would be amazing in the fallout universe. I want laser light shows, dance parties, explosions galore and aviator shades to enjoy that dramatic yellow sunset. I don't know where i'm going with this thread but I seriously would like to see some cool stuff from the 1980's in Fallout 4 : ) Just because <3
  7. Because Synths, you cant trust those abominable machines. https://www.google.com/search?q=blade+runner&rlz=1C1ASUC_enUS619US619&espv=2&biw=1953&bih=900&site=webhp&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjkiOrpvZLPAhUIziYKHfcbBtwQ_AUIBigB&dpr=0.9#tbm=isch&tbs=rimg%3ACQoMjMM5c4T5IjgjGCaEjp1H3G2EX33RAokVOjySSvAxpCyawQjE1DbHlQlle946GlSNvHYhMyVjLJdE72tM3mPMzSoSCSMYJoSOnUfcEZIB7QjGmRVJKhIJbYRffdECiRURsguBd0bJhg0qEgk6PJJK8DGkLBFOvnNM-vcVkSoSCZrBCMTUNseVEfFJKX-OgDVPKhIJCWV73joaVI0R_1IMYzF95BeYqEgm8diEzJWMslxFSArq8EZ1c0yoSCUTva0zeY8zNEWwbSwEhX6qC&q=blade%20runner
  8. I have a little project in the works and I was hoping some talented animator could do a me a favor like this. It will be a special event in settlement that involve a troop of minutemen marching through Sanctuary with rifles slung over their shoulders while Classic American marching songs play, increasing happiness exponentially. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trZlvpLihHk
  9. Perhaps a selection of helicopters and other aerial craft from both fiction and non-fiction could make vertibirds all but a memory in favor of your favorite flying vehicles!
  10. The Minutemen themselves are cool, but it seems rather unethical that the minutemen would stay in control and maintain peace throughout all of Massachusetts. Instead of the Minutemen General being the head of Government, a president or Governor could be elected as the new commander and Chief of the Commonwealth. Being in such a high political status would involve choosing the new Capital, organizing a police force to maintain order all through the City and town/roads, as well as building up and equipping a national army to defend and protect the commonwealth's citizens and territories. Diplomacy and War with all the big Fallout Factions would play a big part of the mod, and your decisions would ultimately affect the entire country as a whole. Setting tax rates and creating laws as well as foreign policy would affect the nations populace and their overall opinion of you, whether you are a great leader, or a prying dictator wannabe near impeachment. A mod like this would improve the lone survivors involvement in the Commonwealths affairs, and would eventually make the player make some of the difficult choices that leaders today have to make every day including Trade, Diplomacy, and even War if need be. Imagining it years down the line, the commonwealth has become equal or nearly as powerful as the NCR..Downtown Boston cleansed of filth and enemies, lit up like New Vegas with spot lights,neon and bustling ambience that can be witnessed for miles..thats a dream I hope someone can somehow achieve. http://img03.deviantart.net/c828/i/2015/164/0/f/fallout__flag_of_the_new_england_commonwealth_by_okiir-d8x63xm.png http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/8/8f/FO_New_England_Commonwealth.gif/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/840?cb=20100501182844
  11. Something like XRE Cars from New vegas would be amazing in fallout 4
  12. A big worldspace full of trees/nature and mountains filled with wildlife (Predominantly RadStags) would be great for hunter players. Enemy Hunters fighting over hunting territory and Dangerous creatures lurking about to make hunting more dangerous would be a plus.
  13. I want to feel like I'm kyle Reese in Terminator, on the run from an unstoppable mechanical menace from the future. I want to feel the noir of walking the dark city streets, danger potentially lurking at every corner amongst the crumbling ruins of Boston.
  14. I'm interested in this concept, Imagining someone raiding a museum and using medieval plate for power armor pieces would be awesome. A replacer for the brotherhood would be even more awesome.
  15. I figured someone would pick up on that eventually.
  16. The player character is a veteran of the resource wars, so why not have a simulation or a dream sequence of his/her tour overseas before the great war? Something akin to the following sequence would be incredible.
  17. I want to feel like I'm in an old 80's action movie, with lots of noir and vhs tape effects while i play. :^)
  18. It would be wonderful to have Mr Fred Rogers wake up in vault 111 and wonder into Sanctuary wanting to be your neighbor! A companion with actual voice dialogue from Mr Rogers Neighborhood show would be a wonderful addition as well. Child friendly adventures and great lessons to learn from your friendly neighbor Mr Fred McFeely Rogers would be an incredible addition to Fallout 4, teaching important lesson to the children of the wasteland and adults alike.
  19. Power Armor pieces that resemble Medieval and renaissance armors from centuries ago would be pretty awesome. A conversion of said armors for the brotherhood would be a plus.
  20. So the GECK is about out, and I thought I'd throw this idea out there. If you could find and repair these vehicles scattered about the commonwealth, and use they're Weapons and transport capabilities, that would be sublime.
  21. If someone could make a quick mod that changes the explosion from the rocket launcher from its default to Artillery Strikes, that would be pretty sweet.
  22. Here are some references, I love scenes like these and would love to see something similar in-game during firefights, it would be really engaging and fun. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFxaCa-hr8o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7nq-r7QWW0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdPhm3scgrs If someone could work around what those links entailed, that would be great. No, I totally get what you mean. If you're not familiar with it though, Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon was a game that was basically an over the top parody of 80's action films like Terminator and Universal Soldier with a post apocalyptic theme and the 80's style synth soundtrack to match. I was merely making a joke. Oh I remember that now, yeah man that was alot of fun. And yes the music in that was pretty rad and the fight tracks were engaging.
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