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Far Cry

increasing amount of carried ammo


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  • 1 month later...
The files are packed. You need gibbed tools to unpack the patch.dat file. Open the gibbed folder in one window then drag thd patch file over the gibbedunpack.exe . Rename the folder to just patch. Then find the the entitylibrary.fcb file. Use convertbinary.exe in the gibbed tools to unpack this file. You'll get one folder and a xml file named entitylibrary_converted. Rename them by deleting the _converted part (and delete the entitylibrary.fcb file) Then to to the weapon properties folder . Find the weapon you want to mod. Open it with notepad. Press ctrl+find and search ammo. It'll be the first one. Then under that line find iclip (probably the 3rd or 4th line ) then change the value with the desired number and save. Then go back to the entitylibrary folder. This time drag the entititylibrary.xml to the convertbinary.exe . Again rename the new entitylibrary.exe you get. Then backstep to your data32 folder and pack your patch folder using gibbedpack.exe . And you're done.
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