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Alduin Loot - Legacy of Akatosh


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NOTE: this post has cool pics! So try a little reading too, ok? And give some feedback, votes, replies, etc. It will benefit everyone. (mostly me because I really want this mod...)


NOTE 2: If you want to only see the pics, they're at the end of the post. Maybe that will get your attention.


Am I the only one who was disappointed that Alduin, the big bad boss of the main campaign dropped... nothing. Literally NOTHING. N.O.T.H.I.N.G. So yeah... disappointing is an understatement.


So, here I am at the mod request page after searching through the nexus and finding nothing similar (if i missed it i do apologize) but I am confident that no one dreamed up what I just cooked up.


First of all, this is Not Another Sword Mod (for those who got that reference I say: cool.).


The prize of this mod will be a sword, we'll get to that later. Let's do some background on the story behind the sword.


I see Akatosh as the protective type. I mean he appeared in the mortal realm to fight Dagon in Oblivion. You'd think he'd do something about his own firstborn, am I right?


This is where my Idea comes into place. I'm thinking that he foresaw Alduin's attempt at ruling Nirn as well as the rise of the Dragonborn that would stand against him (he's a friggin god after all). And prepared a gift to the Dragonborn should she/he put a stop to Alduin's tyranny.


Enter: Legacy of Akatosh: a sword crafted out of his own fang (i know. inuyasha much?). A weapon to be used by the Dragonborn to protect mortals from tyranny.


Now this sword should come right after killing Alduin in Sovngarde. Here are a few suggestions as to how:


1. As a drop - like with Harkon's unique red ashes, could be a pile of... indigo ashes?


2. As a chest that spawns where he drops or placed somewhere nearby that is accessible with a key that magically appears in the inventory after Alduin falls or that is quest based and the unlocks when the right trigger is... triggered. i.e. Alduin is kaput.


3. As a gift from Tsun along with Call Hero.


4. Any other idea that sound better than any of mine.


For stats I considered something higher than stahlrim, more damage and heavier too, tempered with dragon bones. But I leave this to the discretion of the modder. As for enchantments I would suggest fire (i considered chaos but let's face it, fire on its own is more dragon like) and banish (cuz it's crafted from an aedra for crying out loud). But again, this is up to the modder. Though an unenchanted version would likely be welcomed so people can put whatever they want on it. As for type of weapon, I would go for the Greatsword, with one handed version optional.


And now. For the moment you've all been waiting for... PICS!!!


Word of warning, my image of this aedric peace of awesomeness is pretty... jumbled. I'm available, of course, for more clarifications.


The sword I envisioned is made up of different pieces of four different swords.


Let's start with the blade:




As for those runes on the blade, something written in dragon runes of course... for the life of me I can't think of what right this second... something epic, inspiring and totally cheesy... BRAVE on one side, RIGHTEOUS on the other? If that's even possible... again, open to suggestions.


Next, the guard:




Are those fang/claw things not cool?






And finally pommel:




If you don't know what pieces of each sword to look at, you're in the wrong post. Here's a wee bit of a reference:




Well... I think that's it. I hope someone likes this crazy idea of mine. Because frankly, in my mind, that sword would look so awesome... and completely lore friendly!


So come on sword fans! Let's make this happen!


I address now whichever modder decides this is worth their time: THANK YOU!!!


EDIT: returning with a rought (and crappy) photoshop of what I imagine the sword would sort of look like.



Edited by KaraiValentine
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yes, it would be cool to have it part of a pack of weapons. but frankly, the chances of this being made are slim as it is, adding more items to it might discourage/repel modders from giving it a shot. of course if anyone should want to try this and wants me to provide ideas for more items... i admittedly do have a few in mind, at the very least for more weapon types as well as a shield. but while it's still in the wishful thinking page, i'll limit myself to just the one item.

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