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mods fixing gameplay aspects you don't like


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Hello everybody,


I'm an old fun of TES series, I started playing Daggerfall (I guess I'm one of they very few people who was able to finish it, considering all its bugs!), then Morrowind (including Tribunal and Bloodmoon) and now I have just started with Oblivion. What to say: it's a fantastic game, worthy successor of the mighty Morrowind, but not free from weaknesses, as all episodes of The Elder Scrolls.


Luckily, Bethesda provided its funs with a magic tool called TES Construction Set, allowing us to edit all those aspects of the game we don't like in order to meet our needs.


When playing Morrowind, I installed just a few of selected, important mods able to fix those aspects of the gameplay I didn't like at all, such as the character development and the economic aspect of the game. To fix this problem, I installed the mighty Galsiah's character development, Economic Adjustments mod, plus some small ones fixing minor aspects (e.g: different faces for guards, real signposts etc.). I never downloaded mods adding new creatures, quests, weapons etc. (such Giants, for example) as I think Bethesda already provided us with a lot of stuff to play with.


Now, I would like to do the same with Oblivion: downloading just a few of the most important mods, the ones that you use not only to add something new to the game, but to improve those features that you don't like about it. For example, I don't like the character development as it is no realistic at all (why can I increase my Intelligence if I just run&slash all the time); also, I don't like the new system that automatically adjust enemy's levels to your current level, I preferred the old system from Morrowind, when in the beginning you had to run away from each bandit you met on the way, whereas you were able to slaughter daedras with bare hands once reached level 30.


In general, which mods would you recommend me in order to fix those aspects of the gameplay that you don't like (besided character development and automatic enemy levelling)?

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Hy friend


If you don't like leveling system try oblivion war cry,( english translation) and only the boss monsters will level up. :thumbsup:

and a more realistic leveling system


There are many things different from Morrowind, so you can't compare. You can increase your Intelligence for one point by only running around , but agility will increase for five points.


but lets begin in the beginning. There a some tools you need for good modding


Links to suggested tools

OBSE: http://obse.silverlock.org/

OBMM: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2097

BOSS: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20516

Wrye Bash: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22368

additional fine is

OBGE: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30054


Unique Landscapes are great and nearly a musthave


For a better control panel: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10763

and better map markers: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26389


now first my suggest for a new body


As a Body mod I would prefer a HGEC body nude (female), (male) because tons of clothing are based on this mod.


a good sekeleton for most of the clothing mods is http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27945


and a nice skin texture http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20022


or http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19021

perhaps with this http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22870


get a new hairstyles


races find yourself if you like.


then you probably need a animation replacer http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35551


and now You have a fine person walking through Oblivion.


for better athmosphere I suggest


Better sound http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39804

Basic Primary Needs http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37088

bathing mod http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17190

trade and commerce http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39255

creature diversivity http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26634


there are more clothing mods than I can tell

my personal choice


female underwear Sluggo http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22090

in clothing is roadstrokers work http://www.tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=1281817

slofs mens wear http://www.slofslair.co.uk/index.php?page=modarticle&modarticle/id=6024hiatkkd

female clothing Rhyks work http://www.zodiac.o0o0.jp/rayk/ryk_mod_etc.html


all not to sexy like some things here, but if you like them better, have a look.


for weapons gizmodians work http://www.tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=341209


for better looking Horses http://www.slofslair.co.uk/index.php?page=modarticle&modarticle/id=5p5k6md28n8


my most liked housemod or have a look to Real estate

companionmods: Vilja , Saerilet

, blade song


You personalize your game by taking your favourite mods. No other one plays the same game.


Oblivion is in my opinion the most and best modded game in the world. Don't talk bad about the creators of monsters and aditional Quests. They do great work and have beautiful storys to tell. Worth to be tryed out.



Don't forget ;)

have fun



Edited by Harvald
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Hy friend


If you don't like leveling system try oblivion war cry,( english translation) and only the boss monsters will level up. :thumbsup:

and a more realistic leveling system


There are many things different from Morrowind, so you can't compare. You can increase your Intelligence for one point by only running around , but agility will increase for five points.


but lets begin in the beginning. There a some tools you need for good modding


Links to suggested tools

OBSE: http://obse.silverlock.org/

OBMM: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2097

BOSS: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20516

Wrye Bash: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22368

additional fine is

OBGE: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30054


Unique Landscapes are great and nearly a musthave


For a better control panel: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10763

and better map markers: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26389


now first my suggest for a new body


As a Body mod I would prefer a HGEC body nude (female), (male) because tons of clothing are based on this mod.


a good sekeleton for most of the clothing mods is http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27945


and a nice skin texture http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20022


or http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19021

perhaps with this http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22870


get a new hairstyles


races find yourself if you like.


then you probably need a animation replacer http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35551


and now You have a fine person walking through Oblivion.


for better athmosphere I suggest


Better sound http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39804

Basic Primary Needs http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37088

bathing mod http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17190

trade and commerce http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39255

creature diversivity http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26634


there are more clothing mods than I can tell

my personal choice


female underwear Sluggo http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22090

in clothing is roadstrokers work http://www.tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=1281817

slofs mens wear http://www.slofslair.co.uk/index.php?page=modarticle&modarticle/id=6024hiatkkd

female clothing Rhyks work http://www.zodiac.o0o0.jp/rayk/ryk_mod_etc.html


all not to sexy like some things here, but if you like them better, have a look.


for weapons gizmodians work http://www.tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=341209


for better looking Horses http://www.slofslair.co.uk/index.php?page=modarticle&modarticle/id=5p5k6md28n8


my most liked housemod or have a look to Real estate

companionmods: Vilja , Saerilet

, blade song


You personalize your game by taking your favourite mods. No other one plays the same game.


Oblivion is in my opinion the most and best modded game in the world. Don't talk bad about the creators of monsters and aditional Quests. They do great work and have beautiful storys to tell. Worth to be tryed out.



Don't forget ;)

have fun





Thank you very much for your reply, all mods you recommends sound interersting, I`m just afraid that, since my system is quite old, I risk to affect the performance of the game (I already had to compromise with resolution and grapich option to keep a decent framerate) - I had the same problem with Morro and I had to uninstall a lot of them in order to keep a good graphic quality.

Do you think any of the mods you mention could overload the CPU, affecting the fps? which ones?

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The body replacer mods might affect FPS since they have a higher polygon count than the original ones. I wouldn't recommend using OBGE on older computers as well. Unique Landscapes mods may also affect frame rate.


You might also want to try these mods:


Economy adjustment: Enhanced Economy


No more psychic guards: Reneers Guard Overhaul


Improved menus: DarNified UI

Edited by AnimalRiot
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My own System is low. 3.0 single core with Nivida 6200 graphics about 10 Years old.


All of the suggestet mods use a 1024-texture or you can choose this one. Then I think there are no performance problems. Unique landscapes might be a problem, but I do sometimes activate one of them just to have a look to the wonderful nature. OBGE is a problem in version 3.0 but 2.0 would do and gives good effect, with Screen effects Shader. no performance problems on my system.


I myself have about 400 mods running (257 are possible) but i Ihave merged some clothing mods and only little problems.


System should work


Have fun



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thank you both for your answers.


I had a fast look at all mods u suggested, this is what I think:


- MODS I'LL DEFINETLY INSTALL: DarNified UI, Map Marker Overhaul, BAsic primay needs - fixing bad aspects of the game and improving the gameplay without affecting it too much and with no impact on FPS


- MODS I WILL NOT INSTALL: OBGE, Unique landscape (not interested in increasing the graphic if that affects FPS), animation replacer (I play 1st person only), all mods adding new weapons/houses, bathing mod, trade&commerce


- MODS I HAVE NOT DECIDE YET: all bodies mods, coz I didn't realize if they apply to player's character only or to NPCs as well and if that means everybody in Tamriel will then be naked (moreover I still didn't get if they affect FPS or not); clothing mods, as I always play 1st person I'm interested only if they apply to NPCs as well; economy adjustement, as I used it in Morrowind coz it was too easy to became ridicolously rich in a very short time but I don't know if it is still the same in Oblivion.


For leveling system, eventually I decided nGCS ; for enemie's leveling system, I don't like oblivion war cry as it modifies too much the game, adding new creatures, weapons, quests etc. something I'd like to avoid - do you have anything else to suggest?


Moreover, one more thing I don't like about the skills system are armor skills: actually, I don't understand why TES games are the only RPGs with skills referring to armors. I mean, an armor is an armor and offers the same protection level to anybody, right? So, what sense makes a skill related to it? In case, the heavier the armor, the more your agility, speed and related skills should suffer from that...I'm then also looking for a mod editing this aspect of the gameplay I really hate

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My own System is low. 3.0 single core with Nivida 6200 graphics about 10 Years old.


All of the suggestet mods use a 1024-texture or you can choose this one. Then I think there are no performance problems. Unique landscapes might be a problem, but I do sometimes activate one of them just to have a look to the wonderful nature. OBGE is a problem in version 3.0 but 2.0 would do and gives good effect, with Screen effects Shader. no performance problems on my system.


I myself have about 400 mods running (257 are possible) but i Ihave merged some clothing mods and only little problems.


System should work


Have fun






My system is a Pentium dual CPU 1.73 GHZ, 2,00 GB RAM, graphic card ATI Mobility Radeon HD 2400 (it's a laptop); to get a good framerate for a decent quality, which settings do you recommend to me?

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Hey friend,


You System is a better than mine. I suggest first trying high speed low quality and a 1024 X 768 solution.


The body mods affekt on every charakter in Tamriel, but doesn't leave the charakters naked. They are all wearing their clothes. Only after having killed them and taken all items they appear naked. But they look better, especially if you are using a clothing replacer like this smaller female breast or this or this or any other clothing replacer you like and can find. How to do your own - time will tell.


Performance isn't going down by using this mods if you have an eye on texture quality. Dont use 2048 ore 4096 textures. That will make the problems. If there is a choice use low res or 1024.


Animation replacer are fine if you want your charater walkinng more natural, for female characters perhaps sensual walk with BBB support or fight like a Samurai or like the charakters in DMC. Animation replacers often affect on all charakters in game. some only change idle animation and affekt only on special charakters using these idle animations.


I thing you should go step by step using OBMM, like I did. Cause it makes it easy to install and deinstall a mod. Install have a look and test. If you don't like deinstall. I begun with two clothing mods and one housing mod. Now it has grown to something different and after nearly two years of building and playing and changing I haven't just begun the main quest. My recources have reached up to 250 MB on a portable device. I played vanilla before one time. I know I' a collector, but I have fun in this way


Have fun yourself



Harvald :thumbsup:

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