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Fallout crashes on startup


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So a couple days ago, I decided to boot up fallout 4 after a couple months of not playing, but suddenly, when I clicked continue, in the loading screen the screen would go black and then crash to desktop without an error message. I tried reverting my fallout 4 folder to a version before they added the mod tab in the main menu, but then my mods would disable themselves every time when i launched the game and the main menu appeared, and when I clicked continue, it immediately crashed to desktop with an error message saying that fallout 4 crashed. So yesterday, I disabled all my mods, uninstalled and reinstalled fallout 4 to get a clean slate, and enabled all my mods, and now the game crashed as soon as I hit play in the launcher. What the heck is going on?

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Well if you hadn't played for a couple of months then FO4 has updated to version 1.5. If so then you probably have a mod or two that need to be updated to work with 1.5. Especially if you happen to use any UI mods like def_ui or Pleasant UI. Also verify your game cache and make sure that the games video resolution is the same as your windows desktop resolution. Also check and make sure that you do not have steam overlay enabled. These are possible problems. Hopefully one of them will help.

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I should probably add that between the 2nd and 3rd types of crashing, the game actually worked. After I reloaded to a previous version and it started crashing upon clicking continue, one time it suddenly worked. I'm not entirely sure why. The only thing I tried was using LOOT, but it said no changes were necessary and even when I tried to apply the list, it failed to apply. Between the time it worked and the day after, I didn't change anything, but it suddenly stopped working again. This is when I decided to uninstall and reinstall.

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I am having crashing issues with FO4 as well, but after seeing this topic, I realize I may have posted my plea for help in the wrong area of this forum. I think that after your reload your ini files may have changed. I recommend checking them and making whatever fixes that you made to them before the reload.

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Fullscreen crash fix
"If you can run the game in windowed mode, and it crashes when you try to go to fullscreen mode, don't panic just do the following:
1. Start the launcher.
2. Select your settings.
3. Close the launcher (don't start the game)
4. Go to your Fallout4Prefs file. (It should be located on C/Users/[your name]/Documents and Settings/My Games/Fallout 4
5. Find the following lines:
bBorderless =
bFull Screen =
iSize H =
iSize W =
6. Set it like this:
bBorderless = 1
bFull Screen = 0
iSize H = [your desired resolution height]
iSize W = [your desired resolution width]
7. Save and close the file.
8. Launch the game.
9. Enjoy the fake fullscreen without crash on startup :wink: It worked for me so I hope it will also help some of you who also experience this problem"

Edited by ntblood
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I can't run the game in windowed mode either. I'm at my rope's end here, guys. My mods and load order are exactly the same as before when they worked. My fallout 4 folder is a fresh folder without any fiddling outside of installing mods with nmm. My ini files have the old changes because Bethesda supports modding now. Anybody have an actual reason why it still just crashes on startup?

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Ok first off sorry your having such a bad time. It can be really frustrating chasing down a problem like this that seems to make no real sense.

Anyway I'm curious. Do you a mod manager like NMM or do you use Beth.net to install mods or do you do everything manually yourself?

Next when you said that you uninstalled and reinstalled the game did you also delete all of the FO4 related folders on your computer when you uninstalled the game? These would of course be the folder in your documents as well as the folder where the plugins.txt file is found. Also did you go and actually delete the Fallout 4 game folder (in steam folder) itself if there was one after the uninstall? Maybe there was still something in it that is causing your problem. And you did validate your game cache right? I know that you probably did all of this so please don't get upset for me asking if you did but I just wanted to ask again to be sure.


Finally have you looked maybe into your video driver as being an issue?

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