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Fallout crashes on startup


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I can honestly say I'm having this same problem. My game was working a few weeks ago and then one day it just started CTD every time I tried to load a game. or start a new game. I tried everything to disable/enable mods, uninstall them, delete INI files...nothing worked. After removing EVERYTHING (and I mean everything), I was able to get the game working in regular unmodded fashion. with completely new INI files (note: the fallout4custom.ini file did NOT recreate itself...I have no idea why, so I had to look this up and made this file as well), I fould the game starting to crash again when I went the modding route. I had no mods. It would just crash in the steps I took to start modding. So I started reverting back to 'less' to see what was the culprit. I've isolated the problem to this Fallout4custom.ini folder. As soon as I create this folder and the text given on the 'fallout 4: enabling mods' youtube video, my game CTD every time I load a save game from the main menu. It begins loading and after about 3 seconds, I get this brief black screen and a CTD. No idea why it is doing this, but if I delete the custom.ini file and restart the game from Steam, it won't CTD. I CAN play in normal mode, but the game just isn't fun without mods. :/

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No idea why it is doing this, but if I delete the custom.ini file and restart the game from Steam, it won't CTD. I CAN play in normal mode, but the game just isn't fun without mods. :/


Have you tried disabling mods entirely and the reenabling them one by one.


I had the same issue out of the blue. Without changing anything between the game running and constantly crashing on startup.


Disabling all mods in NMM did the trick. Pretty tedious business actually to reenable the mods or redownload them, if they happened to be updated in the meantime. But now it works again. For now.

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I've been out of the house but I finally got home and fixed it. I did everything royhr mentioned but forgot to delete the fallout4 folder under MyGames before. I did it now after another uninstall and it finally works on reinstall and readding all my mods. Thank you so much. :laugh:

Edited by 343DinkleSpark
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  • 4 weeks later...

I was having the same issue as of a couple days ago, just out of the blue, no new mods or any major changes since my last gaming session. I tried a couple of the things like running in windowed mode to no avail. I'm not good with computers at all so really didn't want to go into the game files and start screwing around in there - too much attention and memory deficit to keep track of changes and what works and what made things worse. Anyway I finally fixed it today!




- Went into NMM and deactivated all mods.

- Launched game in vanilla mode. It worked.

- Reactivated small groups of installed mods and launched game.

- Exit game and reactivated another group.

- Repeated activating small groups of mods and loading game.


I've narrowed it down to a couple of possible mods that seem to be causing CTD on startup, at least in my case: either Increased Settler Population or Minutemen Overhaul.


I reckon I can live without those and it saves me from having to reinstall the game or dig into game folders and likely screw it up worse.

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I have also been getting a CTD issue. The day of the update I was able to play fine after disabling SKE and the MM mod. The next day I start up my computer and my fallout keeps CTD no matter what setting I have applied to the game. I disabled all my mods, verified the cache, updated drivers, updated f4se, and even freshly reinstalled the game and wiped my my games/fallout4 folder hoping it would solve something. But no luck here still, I have no idea what could be causing it. I'm assuming it has to be the update. The game stops responding the second it opens with a plain black screen where the game should be displayed, stays open for a little bit just to tease me but then is closes itself.

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It may be nothing, or just my happenstance solution, but eventually any idea that works isn't a bad idea...

---> Turn off the Steam Overlay before launching.

I swear, I've done every tip, trick, and hokus-pokus-ey gimmick to get FO4 back up an running for the last two days... And even after a complete "feckitall" wipe and re-install I wasn't getting past a 3-second black screen before getting dumped back to desktop. I noticed that the gameoverlay executable was hanging out a bit after the crash on the Task Manager, so I unticked the option in Steam (Properties > General > "[..] Enable the Steam Overlay while in-game"). The next launch went smoothly, and I'm back in business. (...with a few hours ahead of me of tracking down what mods NMM decided to botch in the Profile re-activation.)

Good luck, and I hope _your_ solution ends up as simple, and as easily overlooked.

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It may be nothing, or just my happenstance solution, but eventually any idea that works isn't a bad idea...

---> Turn off the Steam Overlay before launching.

I swear, I've done every tip, trick, and hokus-pokus-ey gimmick to get FO4 back up an running for the last two days... And even after a complete "feckitall" wipe and re-install I wasn't getting past a 3-second black screen before getting dumped back to desktop. I noticed that the gameoverlay executable was hanging out a bit after the crash on the Task Manager, so I unticked the option in Steam (Properties > General > "[..] Enable the Steam Overlay while in-game"). The next launch went smoothly, and I'm back in business. (...with a few hours ahead of me of tracking down what mods NMM decided to botch in the Profile re-activation.)

Good luck, and I hope _your_ solution ends up as simple, and as easily overlooked.



A few days ago I experienced this problem for the first time. In fact, this is the first technical issue I've ever experienced with F4. I tried just about every fakakta solution I could find, to no avail.


Turning off the Steam Overlay has worked for me so far tonight. I'm amazed, a simple solution that actually works (probably just jinxed myself). But, here I am playing the game once again. Here's hoping it's a permanent fix.


Thank you, Sang'Rahl Thank you so very much. You are a golden god.

Edited by Puddintaine
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It may be nothing, or just my happenstance solution, but eventually any idea that works isn't a bad idea...

---> Turn off the Steam Overlay before launching.

I swear, I've done every tip, trick, and hokus-pokus-ey gimmick to get FO4 back up an running for the last two days... And even after a complete "feckitall" wipe and re-install I wasn't getting past a 3-second black screen before getting dumped back to desktop. I noticed that the gameoverlay executable was hanging out a bit after the crash on the Task Manager, so I unticked the option in Steam (Properties > General > "[..] Enable the Steam Overlay while in-game"). The next launch went smoothly, and I'm back in business. (...with a few hours ahead of me of tracking down what mods NMM decided to botch in the Profile re-activation.)

Good luck, and I hope _your_ solution ends up as simple, and as easily overlooked.



A few days ago I experienced this problem for the first time. In fact, this is the first technical issue I've ever experienced with F4. I tried just about every fakakta solution I could find, to no avail.


Turning off the Steam Overlay has worked for me so far tonight. I'm amazed, a simple solution that actually works (probably just jinxed myself). But, here I am playing the game once again. Here's hoping it's a permanent fix.


Thank you, Sang'Rahl Thank you so very much. You are a golden god.



This simple solution worked for me too. And I agree with everything above. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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