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Dual Wielding


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Ok, so we know this is in Skyrim already but does anybody know how it actually works? From what I understand they took out parrying so what does dual wielding offer from a gameplay perspective?


They have already mentioned timed blocking and such has made it into the game which allows for melee finesse but this (most likely) wouldn't apply to dual wielding so does anybody have any ideas what is in store for us that hopefully just isn't left and right mouse spamming?

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no blocking with dual wielding :P .. its gonna be button spamming I'm sure .. hold down for a power attack .. not sure what both triggers together do but maybe some combined flourish *shrugs* .. its an elder scrolls game .. they arn't going to go all out on one way of fighting .. they are gonna try and level them all evenly and so far everything plays basicly the same as oblivion in combat .. a lot of nice fine tuning but nothing way out there.
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Having a "block" being pressing both buttons simultaneously makes the most sense IMO (for dual-wielding only of course), even if it is a weaker block than with a shield or 2H. That said, I doubt they're going to go that far, but given the potential for spells to be cast in 3(?) different ways, probably from the same button, or two, maybe they have implemented something of the sort.
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Having a "block" being pressing both buttons simultaneously makes the most sense IMO (for dual-wielding only of course), even if it is a weaker block than with a shield or 2H. That said, I doubt they're going to go that far, but given the potential for spells to be cast in 3(?) different ways, probably from the same button, or two, maybe they have implemented something of the sort.


it makes sense but it isn't.. pete hine already said there is no blocking for dual weilding

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I would think if you attacked at the same time an enemy attacked while duel wielding you would block with one and be able to strike with the other. The largest advantage a second weapon offers in real life is not damage but rather another tool to fight the enemy with. Blocking with one and striking with the other is perhaps the best thing you can do and the devs did not put it in.
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Dual Wielding will surely be a viable alternative even without blocking.


Especially with the newly revealed Elemental Fury Shout which makes you swing faster. You'll likely be able to mince your opponents into a salad before they can do any real damage to you at all.

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it makes sense but it isn't.. pete hine already said there is no blocking for dual weilding


Ya, I didn't think it was, hadn't seen anything which stated it though. That's just the way I would've done it. On that note though, is there anything out there on how the different cast types work? Is it press vs hold or something else altogether (I really hope they aren't split into different spells)?

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Hm, I don't know. Sounds strange one can't block with dual wield, since the off hand weapons was, historically, a maingauche or parry dagger.

Sounds stranger that one cannot parry even with one weapon without a shield (fencing, anyone?).

But in the end, who cares: one can always dodge around and unleash a whirlwind of doom :D

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I think you can still Block while using one 1H weapon. Just not while you're using two 1H weapons. I know, it's not intuitive why you wouldn't be able to block with two weapons, but, from a balance stand point, I can see why they did it. They had to make the dynamics of it different from two handed weapons. Edited by CalibanX
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